157 4 0

At his game>>>>>>>

4th quarter and Chris's team is tied points. GSW= 112 Thunder= 112

Announcer: We're back with 11 seconds in the 4th quarter. and its a warrior ball...... Thompson passes to Brown. Brown with a 3 pointer. ITS GOOD THE WARRIORS WIN THE GAME!!!

Interviewer: Chris what did ur team have to do to win this game

Chris: Um teamwork. Teamwork was one of the main things we had 2 do because like if a teammate is trapped with the ball u know we gotta go help em so that we don't get no violation or nun

Interviewer: Great game Chris

Chris: Thank you *leaves

After game>>>>>>>>

Jalen: good game dad. Carmela ik you salty

Carmela: Shut up Jalen

Chris: thxs jay....

Daniella: Here take ya kid *gives sleeping Royalty 2 Chris

Chris: Well damn....

They were walking to the car when Rihanna popped up outta nowhere

Daniella: aye yall get in the car

Daniella: so u lied to me??

Chris: i literally didn't even know she was gonna be here *grabs Dani's hand

Rihanna: Yes tf u did *slaps their hands apart 

Daniella: Oh yeah she on some hoeing shit. Chris lets go...

Chris: iight

Rihanna: *grabs Dani's wrist/ u better give me my man right fuckin now

Daniella: And u better let go of me before u get the's hands right fuckin now

Rihanna: u payin 4 dis

Daniella: yep and soon as u try me u gon be payin for some hands to get thrown 2 ur face

Rihanna: fuck u

Daniella: ok thank you... *waves her off

Drives Home>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Royalty: *yawns / Mommy i hungry 

Daniella: ok...

Chris: u want some McDonalds??

Royalty: YESS

They went to McDonalds and got they food and stuff. Then they went home

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