My baby

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Everyone else had went home because they had school and stuff. So dani just stayed with royalty.

Roro yawns and starts to wake up.

Royalty: Momma..

dani: Yes Roro

Royalty: When are we go ing to go home??

dani: I-

The doctor knocked on the door

Dani: Come in

Doc 1: Things seem to be good so she's free to go

Dani: Thank you so much

Doc 1: No problem... Bye Royalty

Roro: Bye

They signed out and went to go get Jayden...........

DM= Dani's mom

DM: Ahh Roro.. Daniella! nice to see you...

Roro: MIMI!!! *hugs roro

dani: Nice to see you mama

DM: what the matter? u seem stressed *leading them to where Jayden was

Dani: It's been a lot going on in the last few days... Thxs for watching him!! I didn't mean for this to happen

DM: It's ok. Ur a strong women like i raised you to be. Nothing can ever get in your way.

Dani: Thanks mom *side hugs her

Dani: Well see you later 

Dm: Bye sweety 

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