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Chanyeol basically falls into place, his back hitting the tree trunk with a thud—and he's sure to have some dirt marks on his expensive pants.

He pants, leaning his head back as he shortly shut his eyes to catch his breath. He's definitely not out of shape (considering the multiple hours he spends exercising to maintain his idol-worthy form) but he feels both physically and mentally exhausted by the short run from the university to the park out back.

He had contemplated leaving out of the front entrance but thought better of it, knowing that if he took the back door and went to the park there'd be less chance of anyone following him.

It was probably a bad idea to go to the place he had been waiting at for hours yesterday, because it not only reminds him that Baekhyun never showed up, it might also seem like Chanyeol's still hoping for him to show up.

Even if that's partially true, Chanyeol doesn't want to have to keep thinking about these things when he knows Baekhyun can't and won't be his.

He pulls out his phone and starts texting Sehun, not trusting his voice enough for a phone call. He knows Sehun will figure out he's crying if he hears him.

It's a little ridiculous, how easily Chanyeol cries, and it's even easier when it's about Baekhyun. Yes, it has been five years and yes, Chanyeol should move on, but be can't when he used to spend every second of the day thinking about Baekhyun.

He's the opposite of Baekhyun, who claims that crying is just not something that he does often. Chanyeol cries all the time and sometimes it's about stupid things—right now being a prime example of him crying because of his own mistakes.

He has to erase multiple words because of all the typos he made in that one sentence he wrote for Sehun, his vision blurry because of the tears.

The mask on his face soaks up the drops that end up escaping and Chanyeol sniffles, finally pressing send and waiting for Sehun to reply.

While he waits, he tries not to think about Baekhyun because he knows that'll only cause him more grief. He tries not to think about his dry humour and his cute antics, his insults when he was eatmybyuns and the adorable way he'd proclaim he's taller than Chanyeol.

It's incredibly hard to focus on anything other than Baekhyun.

He gets a reply from Sehun just then, one confirming that he'll come pick Chanyeol up, and just as Chanyeol's about to stuff his phone in his pocket and fall asleep against the tree, he hears the rustling of grass behind him.

Thinking that it's just a trick like how it was last time, he ignores it and closes his eyes... Only for those rustling sounds to turn into a couple of distinct foot steps that pass him on his left before quickly stopping altogether.

Chanyeol opens his eyes when nothing else happens, and he thinks he's dreaming—because even if it's not the most attractive sight; sweaty forehead, messy hair, ragged breathing (okay maybe it is an attractive sight)—Baekhyun's standing in front of him.

Baekhyun, with his face flushed and his pupils dilated, is standing right in front of him.

His pink lips part and Chanyeol's captivated even before the first word.

"You're a fucking idiot and we need to talk."



how ya like that ya me neither

anyway pls pray for my science test i'm getting back tomorrow if i failed i'd have to quit my job at snowy village :///

I loV you all, goodnight/goodmorning!!

I hope you had a good day

P-Nut oot.

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