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Cuddling is very enjoyable.

To Chanyeol, it's a million times better when it's with Baekhyun.

It's sometime during the night; maybe 2 or 3 AM, and all they're doing is watching One Piece wrapped up in each other's arms. The food he brought over is now only empty containers laying on the coffee table, having been devoured by an apparently "starving" Baekhyun.

The jumbo bear lays somewhere on the ground from when Baekhyun threw him off the couch, complaining that the fatty was taking up too much space. Chanyeol only laughed and pulled Baekhyun closer to him, trying to find a comfortable position.

They now laid with Chanyeol's head on the armrest, horizontally placed on the couch so that his long legs touched the other armrest. Baekhyun was settled on top of Chanyeol, his cheek against the taller's chest and his own chest against Chanyeol's stomach, their legs tangling as the taller's arms stayed locked around Baekhyun's waist.

Baekhyun's own arms are beginning to turn numb after laying under Chanyeol and his weight combined, but he merely brushes it off and hugs Chanyeol closer.

The buzz of the TV and the warmth of it all is really lulling Baekhyun to sleep, the shorter yawning as he nuzzles his cheek against the soft fabric of Chanyeol's shirt. He's just about to doze off when he hears Chanyeol speak.

"What made you change your mind?"

He sounds quiet compared to Luffy's loud yells of how he'll protect his friends but Baekhyun catches it nonetheless, turning his head away from the TV to bury his face in the idol's chest.

"There wasn't really anything that turned a switch on or off, it just kind of happened..." Baekhyun trails off, voice grumbled because of his current position. He tries to find his words after saying nothing for so long. "The more you spent time with me the more I realized how much I wanted this to last."

Chanyeol hums and Baekhyun feels the rumble of his chest on his face, thinking that it must feel uncomfortable for Chanyeol to have Baekhyun's bony forehead against his chest. He takes the initiative and kicks up with his feet until his head is nestled in the crook of Chanyeol's neck, letting out a pleased sigh when Chanyeol's hands run up and down his back.

"Why did you choose me over Kris?"

"It's time for the sixty thousand questions, isn't it," Baekhyun answers, as more of a statement than a question.

"Only if you want to answer."

"I don't mind. You deserve some answers after all," Baekhyun explains, "And Kris just didn't make me feel like how you make me feel. I kind of get really happy whenever you're around, since you're pretty great and all."

He doesn't talk loud, because his mouth is relatively close to Chanyeol's ear and he's still a little sleepy, his words slow and lower than how he'd usually speak. He just feels so comfortable, and he wishes that they could stay like this forever.

"Whenever you're around I feel like my day can't get better," Chanyeol says sooner or later, his own voice just as hushed as Baekhyun's. His hand draws circles on Baekhyun's back before it goes up to play with the strands of his hair.

Baekhyun huffs and tried to sound annoyed, but he really can't when he's so relaxed. Chanyeol chuckles at the puff of air on his neck, smiling even more when Baekhyun replies: "This is the time where I'm supposed to be complimenting you. Lay off of the sweet talk, Mister."

"Okay, well, why'd you decide to tell me on your birthday?"

Baekhyun hums much like Chanyeol did earlier, thinking of his answer. "Because you did something really sweet and I guess that was the push I needed to confess."

Chanyeol doesn't say anything after that, and their little Q&A turns into Baekhyun suddenly missing Chanyeol's lips, turning their cuddling session into a lazy make out session.

It feels just as great as it did when they were still mostly awake, except Baekhyun feels so sated—like he could just float away in the wind.

"Have you always been this good at kissing?" Chanyeol asks, a teasing lilt in his voice when Baekhyun pulls away.

"This is like—the first time you've really kissed me. I'm just a natural."

"Sure," Chanyeol jokes and lightly pulls on the collar of his shirt to get him to lower his head and kiss him again.

"You're not too bad yourself," Baekhyun says later.

"Stop lying to yourself. You wish you could be as good as me."

"Okay, I have to admit," Baekhyun begins, settling his face in the crook of Chanyeol's neck again. "I'm a lil' hard right now."

Chanyeol laughs at that but they both don't do anything about it, because the atmosphere is chill and comfortable, and they're both too tired to even care about taking it any further.

"You know... if you didn't do what you did back then, we could've been doing this for five years already," Baekhyun points out and Chanyeol groans.

"Don't remind me of all the wasted time. Makes me feel like I have to have you right next to me 24/7."

"You do have me next to you 24/7."

"Good point."

Later, they kiss a bit more, and then a little more—and then Baekhyun asks for one more small "goodnight kiss" when they're in bed under the covers, lights turned off and pyjamas on (Chanyeol fits into Baekhyun's comfy oversized pyjama wardrobe).

Chanyeol pecks his small pink lips before he kisses Baekhyun's button nose, pulling him in to get some much needed rest.

Evidently, they're tired, but they could never get tired of this.

i just felt in the mood for 18373% fluff

yaya hope u enjoyed the sudden double update

i'm tired too so imma sleep

goodnight every'y'all and I hope u have a good day/had a good day :)))

P-Nut oot.

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