Verse Seven

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I just knew that the following Monday at school was torture.  Everyone online was already buzzing about the 'mystery girl' that Sebastian Jennings had taken home with him after his concert after he ditched the after show concert that he was supposed to perform at. 

I scoffed at the thought. 

They thought he ditched the after show performance on purpose, but really it was all a blown tire and a stolen car that was at fault. 

Not to mention an accidentally kidnapped girl...

The man who'd driven me home after my last encounter ever with Sebastian Jennings was nice, but not talkative in the slightest bit. 

He'd given me some random paper to sign before I got out.  He said it was a 'Non Disclosure Agreement' that everyone had to sign after hanging out with him. 

I honestly thought they were just for the girls who had sex with rockstars and weren't allowed to go to the tabloids about it. 

Apparently it applies to kidnappees as well. 

Oh the gall on that Sebastian. 

I took a deep breath and gave myself a once over in the mirror, glad that I had hung out with Josie the day after everything happened and told her everything, non disclosure agreement my ass!  She was my best friend, there was no way I was keeping something that huge from her. 

She didn't believe me until the people showed up with her car and a signed invoice with Sebastian's name on it finally tipped her over the edge. 

She let me sulk about our fight and even gave me a few pieces of her clothes, from the darker side of her closet of course. 

I wasn't ready to do all of the pinks yet, but tan, mauve, purple, blue and black I could definitely work with. 

I had decided on wearing a mauve colored t-shirt dress with a high neck and the black thigh high lace up suede boots from the concert to school, and I also decided to wear a black leather jacket with my outfit in case the low v neck cut in the dress was showing too much cleavage. 

I quickly doused myself in my favorite perfume, applied the makeup like Josie had shown me with very little foundation and highlighter and mascara and then I was off, my freshly curled long locks trailing behind me as I went to say goodbye to my  mother. 

"Wow.  You look...different!" she said, her faux blonde hair glinting in the sun light from the kitchen window. 

Good different or bad different?" I asked her, and the lines by her eyes crinkled as she smiled down at me. 

"A great different.  I like what you're doing, keep it up!" she exclaimed. 

My mother had always wanted me to be a girly girl, but before I had only wanted to be a tom boy, wearing leggings and t shirts to school with the occasional pair of jeans thrown in the mix. 

I never really dressed up unless it was a party or a funeral, and my mom was always dismayed about that. 

Now I guess she got what she always wanted, the type of daughter who liked makeup and clothes. 

I shrugged it off, grabbing a banana and giving her a quick kiss on the cheek as I ran outside, hearing the honking of Josie's car in the driveway. 

"I love you!" I yelled out to her and I heard her reply the same thing back as I quickly dashed out the door, not wanting to be late. 

Josie whistled when she saw me emerge from my house. 

"Dang girl, Dylan is so going to regret dumping your fine ass once he sees it up close and personal! That is, unless he's already seen-"

"No!  No, you know I've know..." I trailed off, referring to sex.  I was still too shy to say the word out loud to my best friend, let alone think about doing it with someone. 

"Okay okay, calm down I was just making sure.  You never really did tell me how he broke it off with you after so long of you guys dating..." she said, and I didn't really want to answer her question but I knew I needed to get it off my chest. 

Placing my back pack in between my legs in the car as I pulled the seatbelt around me and got settled as she drove off, I began recounting my side of the story. 

"So as you know, we were dating for like eleven months.  Our one year anniversary was coming up soon and so he said he wanted to do something really special.  I asked him what he meant and he pulled out a hotel key card.  Obviously I freaked out, I didn't think we were ready to take that step yet, but we hadn't talked about it very much at all.

"Anyway, when I told him I didn't want to do that, he got really mad.  He started saying that he'd waited long enough and then he started kissing me really hard.  His hand started going places it hadn't ever gone before, even when we would make out really heavy he wouldn't even go that far because I always stopped him, but this time...this time he-"

My voice broke. 

I looked over at Josie and I could see tears in her eyes as her fists clenched the steering wheel hard, her blue eyes scrunched up in anger. 

"When he started trying to take my clothes off, I kicked him in the balls and he bit down on my lip really hard and busted it open.  I lied and said I bit it myself when I fell but really it was him.  I got blood all over him and so he got really mad and pushed me away from him and my head hit the wall and I swear I saw stars but I didn't pass out yet. 

"Then he got really close to my face and told me that if I couldn't put out that we were through, and so I got as much spit in my mouth as I could and spat at him and told me that that was fine by me.  He slapped me in the face and just walked away after that.  Then the next day he erased all of our pictures from his social media and posted a picture of him kissing Gwen," I finished, wiping away the stray tears that had fallen during my recounting of the story.

Josie didn't say anything for a long time, and for a second I was scared that she wasn't paying attention to the road, but right as I was going to ask her if she was okay, she started to speak. 

"First, we'll inject him with a paralytic through his butthole so there won't be an injection site on the body.  Next, we'll suffocate him with a pillow and roll his body up in a tarp and take his body to the blue hole in-"

"Josie!" I screamed at her, a smile finally splaying across my lips.  She had a morbid sense of humor. 

Only when I looked at her, she wasn't smiling. 

"I am not joking, Holly.  I am going to murder than son of a bitch for what he did to you, mark my words," she said right as we pulled up to the high school. 

I was about to say something in response to that but found myself at a loss for words as I spotted a familiar tour bus in our school's parking lot. 

When we got out of the car, there were a lot more people that came dashing up to see the action. 

There were camera crews parked all around the lot and screaming girls were rushing up to someone in a tight white t shirt. 

It was Mr. Fluffy Pants... 

Just my luck.

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