Chorus (Twelve)

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Josie had left my house with Sebastian and I as we decided what to do for the rest of the night. She said that she wanted to hang out with me but Sebastian didn't want to leave me alone either, especially after what had happened when he walked in and I was basically unresponsive.

We all hopped in the car after Josie left my house through the front, telling my parents that I was tired and didn't want company and that I had gone to sleep. I stayed for a moment and waited on them to check up on me and tell me goodnight, and when they did, we stole away in the night and I made the bed look like I was still asleep in it.

Once I had successfully climbed out of my first story window, with a little bit of excruciating pain in my side added to the mix, we all slid into the back seat of the awaiting black SUV where Jason was jamming along to one of Sebastian's songs.

I gave a pointed look at Sebastian.

"Really?" I asked him, referring to the music that was playing in the car.

"Oh, come on Red. Don't tell me you don't just absolutely adore my music?" he asked me, his arms going to rest over my shoulders in the car.

I wanted to squeal like a little girl.

Josie gave me a look from the rear view mirror, since she was sitting in the front seat with his friend Jason. I saw her eyeing Jason and a thought occurred to me that I could set the two of them up together.

I loved playing Cupid for my friend, especially since her last boyfriend didn't turn out so well...

My attention was brought back to Sebastian when I realized I hadn't answered his question yet.

"Oh please, it's not like its the end of the world if I don't like your music..." I trailed off and he had a fake wounded look pained across his gorgeous features.

"Yes, I do believe it is the end of the world if you don't love my music!" he exclaimed and I just laughed at him.

"I thought you'd like hanging out with me because I wasn't a superfan up like Josie up there," I motioned to Josie who was signing along to the song at full volume.

He looked thoughtful for a moment, putting his free hand up to his chin and stroked it acting like he was deep in thought.

"Perhaps you're right. I don't know if I'd want a girlfriend like that..." he trailed off and then he froze as if he'd realized what he had just said.

I got awkward for a second but then decided to play it off.

"Oh please, I wouldn't be your girlfriend if you were the last man on earth," I joked with him and he cracked a smile, his signature smirk playing across his lips and I caught myself getting lost in his eyes, in his smile and everything about him.

He was everything that I wanted to lose myself in but couldn't.

"I'm going to make you eat those words, Holly Vickers," he said, an intensity burning within his expression that I'd never seen before.

"We'll see about that," I teased at him, breathless from the gaze that he had me pinned underneath.

We arrived at Sebastian's home shortly after that, and I was wondering what we were going to do when a young girl came bounding outside the mansion, her short platinum blonde hair framing her heart shaped face and she was wearing a skimpy little outfit that I recognized from the closet from when I had stayed the night at his house.

I really hoped that girl was his cousin, because if not, it would be hard to compete with her, especially with a body like she had.

I opened the door since I was on the outside and Sebastian was sitting in the middle and I felt him follow closely behind me. His body was directly behind me and I felt the heat from his body saturating into the air behind me, making my legs shake with premonitions of what could come between us, of what could happen between us.

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