You See, But I See

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I spend a lot of time making and reblogging posts about the struggles of being autistic and the ableism in the world, but now, during Autism Acceptance Month 2018, is as good a time as any for a post about why I love being autistic.

There's a flip side to every negative, and I think it's important to recognize those sides of things.

I talk a lot about how from a young age, I've questioned why I understand the world around me so differently than everyone, why I think so differently about things, why I have so much trouble relating to others, why I feel like an alien.

I talk a lot about how it makes things hard between others and me, how it stresses me out, how it stresses others out.

The different perspectives and reasoning lead to many problems in my daily life.

But as I mentioned before, there is a flip side to every negative.

My different way of thinking isn't all bad.

In fact, it can be very helpful and enlightening.

Sometimes, people hear my side of things, my vision, my interpretation, and they are amazed.

Sometimes, it is helpful for people to get to know my unique perspectives.

I see things in a way most people don't, and it can lead to new approaches and attitudes that are beneficial across many situations.

It's hard, it's confusing, and it's lonely being this way, but it's not really a bad thing.

I open up new realms to people, and sometimes they don't like that, but when people start learning to accept different ways of thinking, when people start to accept autistic people, we will all grow as a unit of humans so much more.

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