The Overlay

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My mind.

My multidimensional mind.

The ability to experience contents of overlaying dimensions used to lead to me being targeted by negative souls.

But not anymore as much.

Things in The Overlay have been calm for a while now.

I haven't been seeing the souls, I haven't been hearing the souls, I haven't been being urged by the souls, and I haven't been feeling them.

They used to possess people to target me for harm.

They used to possess me to do things they wanted me to do.

They used to watch me.

They used to follow me.

But not lately.

Every now and then, seeing bugs in this dimension triggers bugs to come to me from The Overlay, but not much anymore.

They haven't been communicating me, nor have they been in or around my body.

Things have been calm, ever since the medication has made it so that I can't notice The Overlay.

But I know it's still there.

My powers to detect it have been muffled.

Which is good and bad.

It's good because now I'm less stressed and paranoid.

But it's bad because the paranoia kept me safe.

They say it's a delusion, and it certainly looks that way to others, so I call it that, just because it's the only way they'll see it.

Now, they can surprise attack me anytime, and I wouldn't see it coming.

I don't think or talk about this much these days because it isn't an active issue, and I know anybody who were to hear me speak of it would just write me off as crazy.

But it's there.

The Overlay is always there.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2018 ⏰

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