Chap 3 - Changes

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    I'd ended up starting to read the handbook, not wanting to just sit there and wait to see what happened next. I'd had to have embarrassed him and he probably needed time now. It was going to be awkward either way. Like a giant pink and purple polka dotted elephant always standing between us. 'Gods why did you have to kiss him.' I whispered as I shoved a hand through my now unbound hair again. It was a complete mess since that had to be the hundredth time I'd done it that after settling in. I shifted a little, chewing lightly on my bottom lip before standing and starting to pace around the table a little. I wasn't even sure how long it'd been since he'd left but it felt like forever.

    When someone cleared their throat I about jumped out of my skin, hand clutching my chest as I whipped around to face the door. "Holy shiii..." I bit down on my tongue to stop the sentence, flushing a little red when I found Grim watching me.  Already? Oh gods above I wasn't sure if I was ready for this yet. I'd finally started to get past all my raging emotions to the embarrassed phase and had started to be glad for his absence and now here he was standing before me looking like he was ready to face me down and figure out what had happened. There was a moment where we just stood staring at each other before Grim finally spoke.

    "Why did you do that?" he asked, sounding genuinely confused like he was still trying to understand what had happened.

              "I donno." I whispered as my blushed deepened.

    "You...don't know." He frowned a little as if growing more confused. "It wasn't a trick?"

    "What? No of course not." I frowned as I stepped closer to him. "I wouldn't do something like that to someone for a trick. Wait, so....was that like your first kiss?" the fact that he was concerned about it made me circle back to his possibly being a virgin in every way.

    He straightened a little as if trying to keep some dignity. "No one has ever had the urge to show me affection before." He stated matter of fact. Though while he sounded calm, cool and collected about it I started to wonder what he was hiding.

    "In other words yes.." I said, starting to grow excited and a little surprised at the same time.

    "If you must classify it like that." He muttered as if he hadn't really wanted to say a true yes or no. Not surprising since he probably hadn't wanted me to know about his lack of experience. Still a typical male it seemed. "Grim Reaper doesn't exactly incite women to throw themselves at me."

    "I see." I whispered before smiling as I shifted a little closer, finally getting him to notice I'd been moving in since he'd reappeared. "Then I must be really brave or really stupid." I commented as I shifted ever closer. He frowned a little as he watched me, looking like a wild animal trying to figure out what was going to happen next. Weary as he watched a human approach but too curious to run.

    "Possibly." He muttered as he shifted little when I stopped at arm's length.

    "Haven't you ever been curious though?"

    "No." he said, probably a little too quickly.

    "Really? Even though you've had people around you who're constantly looking for someone to stave off loneliness?"

    "Yes really. It was such a trivial matter. And you can't miss or long for what you never had."

    "I see." I muttered as I watched him. He might not have said it but I could see it in his eyes. Of course he'd been curious, had wanted it. It was obvious he was lonely even with all these people around him daily. And other than being who he was why had he never tried anything with someone before. I found it hard to believe that in all the years of having others around not a one had shown interest in him in the slightest.

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