Chap 6 - Memories

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    "Malach," I looked up from where I lay stretched out against Malach's side, fingers tracing patterns on his chest as we relaxed after another round. "That demon. You knew him didn't you." I said with a small frown.

    Malach sighed out a little, eyes still closed as he reached up to catch my hand with his free hand and lifted it to kiss my knuckles lightly. His eyes finally opened, turning his gaze on me. "Yes. Demons don't really die. Much like me it's impossible." he frowned a little as he linked his fingers through mine. "We've met plenty of times over the centuries and I should've known we were due for another meeting. But I let it slip from my mind. Mammon is the demon that attacked Avery." he whispered out the last sentence, making me strain a little to hear. I sucked in a breath and sat up, hand resting next to him as I stared down at him.

    "But I thought..."

    "I only killed the body he'd possessed at the time sending him back to hell. Demons can only exist on Earth through possession. Unless they're a high level demon. Mammon is not that lucky and must possess people.  It takes a lot of energy to possess a human. And the right one. Usually he's able to keep the body for years though, feeding on human souls and building his energy. If he collects enough souls be could become strong enough to exist on Earth without a human body. But I've always killed him before it came to that point. I wanted more than anything to kill the real him, but to do that would mean I'd have to enter hell. It's something I can't do. I'd be unwelcome for one, for another I've sent too many souls there to ever make it back out and lastly, the man ruling hell would not be pleased with someone like me stepping out of my realm and into theirs uninvited." he said with a small frown, lifting my hand to his mouth to kiss my fingers.

    "I'm sorry Malach." I whisper as I watch him, knowing he must relive the pain of Avery's attack every time he was faced with Mammon.

    "Yes well, at least I've put off our next meeting for a while." he whispered, frowning a little as he glanced at me. "Though I have a new reason to be weary of his next arrival on Earth." I flushed a little, letting out a small laugh.

    "Yes, but I'll always be with you so we don't have to worry about that." I said as I leaned in and kissed his cheek. When I pulled back I could've sworn I saw a flash of sadness in his eyes though it was gone just as quickly.

    "Yes," he said as he pulled his other hand from behind his head and reached up to push my hair behind my ear. "I need to leave soon. I have to report the attack and loss of souls to the angels." he said with a small frown. "We must account for every soul lost to a demon." he said with a small sigh.

    "Then I guess I'll just have to wait here wont I." I said as I stretched out over his chest with a smile.

    He let out a laugh and nodded as he started to sit up, catching me before I could topple off him. "A reason to come back faster than."

    "Hmm. Yes." I leaned in, lips brushing lightly over his for a moment before kissing him deeply.

    "I'll return soon. Rest." he whispered against my lips as he started to slip away. I watched him dress and leave the room before a small frown formed.

    Something was wrong. I could tell. Worse yet I knew it had to do with what had happened earlier. He was worrying about me, being able to protect me. That had to be the sadness I'd seen flash in his eyes. Wasn't it? Thinking back made me pause. It'd been right after I'd said I would always be with him. My hand went to my chest, eyes closing as I sucked in a breath. My eyes snapped back open a moment later, realization dawning as I glanced down at my hand. "I won't." I whispered, hands dropping to my lap. I wouldn't always be here. I had a time limit even if I didn't know how long it was. I wasn't meant to stay here, I knew that. But how could I leave now. I didn't want to leave Malach. Malach knew that too but hadn't said anything. He'd already seemed to prepare himself for when I was supposed to leave. Had already settled on it even after finally accepting that he wanted to be with me. Flopping back on the bed I stared up at the ceiling, biting down on my bottom lip to fight back the tears that threatened to spill. I didn't want to leave. Not now, not even in the future. It felt like I belonged here with Malach. I turned onto my side, curling up a little as I huddled under the sheet. It didn't take much for me to drift off after the day I'd had and the activities after.

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