Chap 5 - Mistakes

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    It didn't take long for me to settle into a routine daily life. Though it was hard with Malach constantly there. True to his words we never touched. At all for any reason. It was painful being around him every day. It got to the point where we only spoke when it was necessary and for no other reason than what I'd started to think of as work. I think on some level it effected Malach too. I'd notice him watch me sometimes as if he wanted to say something but couldn't bring himself to. If, or when, he got around to saying something I didn't want it to be an apology for anything. I'd probably end up giving him a black eye. But no, nothing had come. It'd slipped right back into how he was when I first met him.
    There had been rumors. People whispering when I walked by but those didn't take long to die down. I guess it was hard for people to believe Malach was capable of what the rumors said we'd been doing when the two Reapers walked in on us. After they'd died down completely I started to make friends among the other Reapers. People I grew comfortable talking with and spending time with when I wasn't out on assignments with Malach. A lot of the questions I'd first gotten were mainly centered on how it was working with THE Grim Reaper.
    When I wasn't spending time with the people I'd started to call friends and wasn't thinking about Malach, I found myself concentrating inward. That feeling that had been my indicator of how close I was to leaving what the other Reapers called Limbo. It'd started to lesson over the last week. Going from something along the lines of having the feeling of drowning to being able to take small gasping breaths. When I'd asked why the feeling was already starting to ease Malach had commented that it could be that I was working with him. Taking on the more difficult tasks and assignments could be weighing more against my sentence than the other Reapers who were here for the same reason. In a way I was glad. It meant I'd be gone sooner. Though I still didn't know how soon sooner was. There didn't seem to be an actual time frame for anyone stuck in Limbo as a Reaper.
    My hands dropped as I finished tying my hair into a bun, getting ready to meet with Malach for another assignment. I stared at my face in the mirror, noting that I'd grown paler over the days. "Pale as death takes on a whole new meaning huh?" I whispered to my image before forcing a smile. "What's waiting for you on the other side Celeste? Family or fire?" Shaking my head I turned away and stepped out of the bathroom. I grabbed my cloak off the bed on the way out the door. From what I'd found out over the days when I was ready to leave I'd face another trial. One that would not only include what I've done since my time in Limbo, but also my past. It was the only time I'd see what I'd done to deserve this. It was how I'd lived as a Reaper that would decide if there was a change in where I was to go. If I'd learned anything from my time here. Either way I wasn't going to Heaven. I'd missed that train. It was only downward for me or back to Earth if I passed for a second round of life.
    Rounding the corner to the common area I found Malach waiting for me by the elevator. "So partner, what's the task today?" I asked when I reached him, watching him press the elevator button.
    "Gang related shooting. Multiple souls. It'll be your first, but I figure you're ready."
    I blinked a little in surprise. This was a first. Usually the more senior Reapers handled something like this. "You sure about this?"
    "You've taken over the last couple collections. I was just the observer. You did fine." We both stepped into the elevator, me trying to wrap my mind around what I was going to be doing. "I'll be assistant in this. If anything goes wrong I'll step in so there's no need to worry." I gave a nod at his reassuring words, letting out a slow breath as the elevator dinged and the doors started to open. A barren warehouse stretched out before us. We both pulled up our hoods as we stepped out, it only taking a moment longer for a gang to wander into the warehouse joking as they moved toward the grungy seating area to one corner. Their obvious hangout when they weren't causing problems. It wasn't unusual for us to make an appearance up to a couple hours before the deaths just so we were prepared if there were any sudden changes. Though they were rare they did happen as I'd learned on my third reaping when the woman in question had killed herself before her time of death which was supposed to be a drunk driver running her down. Malach had told me deaths weren't set in stone. That circumstances could change at the drop of a hat.
    I glanced over when I heard the warehouse doors open, frowning a little as I looked at Malach. This wasn't part of the death. I knew as much from what I'd seen of it. And from the way Malach reacted when the doors opened something was wrong. A man dressed in a suit, rumpled with his tie hanging lose around his neck stalked into the warehouse. The gang members reacted instantly, starting to yell as they stood, weapons appearing from seemingly thin air as the man advanced on them. I let out a small gasp when I caught sight of the man's eyes, pitch black. Bruising seemed to take over his face and dried blood lead a trail from his ears. My gasped caused his head to snap toward me, the sound of bone cracking filling the warehouse. I took a step back when a smirk formed on his face showing fanged teeth. Malach was there, standing between the man and myself.
    "This isn't yours to collect." Malach snapped out as he glared the creature down.
    Ignoring the gangsters, the man turned toward Malach, letting out a laugh that sent chills down my spine and caused the gangsters to still and start to back away. "Sorry Grim, but I marked them first." the man said, a slight hiss to his voice as he took a step toward us. "Leave. They're mine." he snarled out, hands seeming to change and become more claw like as he moved closer.
    "You don't belong here, Demon."
    "Then stop me." the demon laughed as he turned and lunged, attacking the gangsters before they or Malach could react. Three were cut down before Malach even moved. The fourth was in his cross hairs when the demons hand was stopped, Malach standing in front of him, his scythe stopping the demons claws from reaching the gangster. Malach's hood had fallen, reveling him to the men who let out screams and bolted from the warehouse. The demon snarled out as he jumped back, snarling when Malach swung his scythe around in a ready position. "You're not as rusty as I thought Grim," the creature said, a slow smile forming as he crouched. "But are you as fast as you once were?" Malach stiffened suddenly, something dawning on him from the icy look that crossed his features. "Let's test it shall we?" the creatures purred voice made me take a step back, sucking in a breath when it turned its sights on me and lunged.
    I'd found out a week after arriving in Limbo that the only Reapers allowed weapons were the ones born, or created, into the position. Reapers like myself, who were atoning for something, were never given a weapon due to the fact that we could turn it on other Reapers if we didn't like the hand we were dealt. It was also the reason why we were always and forever paired with a mentor who had been born or created for the position of being a Reaper. At that moment I'd wished more than anything I'd been a born Reaper. Facing down a demon without a weapon wasn't something I ever wanted to repeat again. The small of sulfur hit me, a stench so strong I gagged and fought for a breath. I managed to stand my ground though, probably pure stupidity as I've come to learn about myself. Even faced with something I feared I couldn't back down.
    At the moment I should've felt claws bury into my skin, a black cloaked form blocked the demon from view. I was forced to stumble back when Malach did, a small grunt of pain leaving him before he threw the demon off. The smell of blood already filled the air again, having started to fade with my distance to the men the demon had attacked. The demons claws had managed to bury themselves into Malach's shoulders before he'd forced the demon off. His scythe swung down, knocking the demon further away. It was only seconds later it was swinging in another arch toward the demon, a slight whistle coming from the speed of its movements. The demon cried out as the scythe buried into its shoulder almost hacking it's arm clean off.
    Jumping back the demon landed almost at the other end of the warehouse, panting and pain obvious on its distorted face. It let out a snarl when Malach started to step toward it, only to smirk at him. "You've ruined this body, Malach," it hissed out, causing me to frown and Malach to let out a growl like sound. "I'll need to find a new one now. Shame. I liked this one too," the demon sighed as it started to straighten. "Keep an eye on your new pet." Malach started to stalk forward, only to pause when the creature let out a scream, the body shaking violently before bursting into flames. I cringed and turned away, fighting back the gag that started when the smell of burning flesh started to fill the warehouse. That sight would never leave me for as long as I lived as a Reaper. It wasn't something you could easily wipe from memory.
    There was a grunt of pain, causing me to turn back and gasp when I found Malach kneeling on the ground leaning heavily on the handle of his scythe. "Malach," I rushed over, crouching next to him. If possible he'd grown paler, the metallic smell of blood was strong around him and sweat had started to form on his brow. "Oh god, we need to get you back." I hissed out, tucking myself under his arm to help him stand.
    "No." he whispered out, leaning heavily on his scythe to keep most of his weight off me. "My apartment." he whispered, voice seeming to grow weaker. "Demon poison." he muttered as he gasped for breath.
    I frowned as I reached out to the elevator with my mind to summon it, hurrying him as fast as I could toward the open doors. "I need to get a healer or something then." I said as I repeatedly pressed the button for his apartment stationed on the top floor of Limbo. We all knew it was there, but no Reaper ever dared going.
    Malach shook his head as he leaned against the back wall of the elevator looking like he was going to collapse. "No, there's nothing they can do. It'll pass." he hissed out, hand going to his shoulder as he doubled over. I jumped forward, hands reaching out to try and steady him so he didn't hit the ground. I'd never be able to get him back up if he did.
    "What the hell does that mean? There's gotta be something a healer can do." I snapped out as I slipped under his arm again when the doors dinged and stumbled forward with a man twice my height and weight. It didn't take much to locate his bedroom. The apartment wasn't any bigger than mine even though he was our leader. I sat him down on the bed, taking his scythe against his protests and leaned it against the wall out of the way before hurrying over to take off his clock. I cringed at the sight of blood that had soaked most of his shirt through. How could he not want a healer when it looked like this.
    Malach groaned as he laid back on the bed, body starting to shake as if cold, though I knew it had to be the poison working through his system. I didn't know what to do though. I hadn't actually ever seen a healer here in Limbo, had never even heard of one since as far as I knew no one had ever been attacked or injured before. Turning I hurried from the room, gathering a bowl, warm water, towels and scissors. The only thing I knew to do was clean the wound. The only problem being I didn't have alcohol or any other form of cleaning solution to do it. Malach had lost consciousness by the time I returned, cutting away his shirt I tried not to cringe at the sight. Blood and a black ink like liquid had started to leak from the wounds. Under his skin the inky liquid almost seemed to pulse as it worked through his body like ink through his veins. There wasn't much I could do but continue to clean way the blood and poison as it leaked from the wounds.
    What seemed like hours later the wounds finally started to close, the inky liquid had started to fade, looking more like bruising now. I wasn't sure if it was because Malach was the original Reaper that he was able to heal himself or if it was something all of us could do which was why we didn't have a healer. Somehow he'd managed to work the poison from his system. I started to breathe easy when his breathing started to steady and the sweating stopped. His face relaxed, pain leaving it as he seemed to sleep into a normal rest. At some point I must have drifted off because when I woke it was to someone touching my hair. I woke to myself seated on the floor next to the bed using it as a pillow with my arms crossed under my head. The bed was empty when I lifted my head, but turning it found Malach standing next to me with damp hair and new clothes.
    I sucked in a breath at the sight of him looking well, jumping up my arms moved around him, hugging him tightly. "Oh gods you're alright." I breathed out as I pressed my face into his chest, loosening my hold when he winced a little.
    "I don't die easy." he said as he reached up to touch my hair lightly.
    "Thank god.  I thought I was going to have a freakin heart attack. You were acting like you were dying." I pulled back a little and started to shift, arms dropping from around him. "Are...Are you feeling better?"
    "A little sore, but fine." he said as he smiled at me.
    "I...good. What the hell were you thinking!" I snapped out, smacking his chest. When he let out a small hiss I frowned and glanced away. "Sorry."
    "I was thinking about that fact that because you used to be human the poison would have turned you into a demon." he said with a small frown as he rubbed his chest. "It doesn't affect me other than making me ill."
    I stiffened a little and glanced up at him. "Really?"
    "Yes. Better me who can heal than you becoming one of them." he said with a small frown. "I didn't have time to warn you and it's not like we've covered demons in our lessons."
    "No. But I think we both thought we wouldn't cross paths with one."
    "No, it's rare. I didn't think about it and I should have. Demon poison is deadly to Reapers who're here as a sentence. If it doesn't kill you it turns you into a slave to the demon who poisoned you. You become one of them with the powers of a Reaper."
    "Oh, well that'd be bad. Very bad."
    "Yes. It's only happened once before and I'd rather not have a repeat."
    "Oh." I frowned a little, wondering if that was the only reason he'd saved me. To keep the world safe for the most part.
    Malach must have caught on to my thoughts because the next minute his hands were on my face, forcing me to look up at him as he leaned in. "Celeste, I saved you because I didn't want to lose you." he said, eyes boring into mine. "I couldn't stand the thought of it and the demon knew it. He picked up on it. It's what they're good at."
    "What exactly?" he breathed out as I watched him.
    "Finding the one thing that they can use as leverage to hurt someone." he muttered, thumbs stroking over my cheeks lightly. "He knew you were my weakness just by looking."
    "I'm sorry." I whispered as I watched him, trying hard not to let his words get to me. Just because he was saying I was his weakness didn't mean he wanted me again. He'd already shot that horse in the foot months ago.
    "No, I am. For pushing you away. I.." he frowned a little as he dropped his hands and straightened. "I don't expect you to forgive me, but I didn't want to stop. I really did enjoy what we did and I knew that's why I had to stop it. I didn't want what happened today to happen. Anyone I get close to is at risk, Celeste. They become a target to everyone I've called enemy over the years. It's why I've kept my distance from everyone. The one time I didn't, it ended in someone else's pain and I won't let that happen again."
    "Isn't that my choice?" I ground out as I glared up at him. "It's it just as much my choice as it is yours? I should be able to decide if it's worth the risk to stay with you Malach. You should've talked to me about it instead of just taking charge and kicking me to the curb," I snapped the words out before I could stop myself, my anger finally spilling free now that he'd opened the gate to my feelings. "I enjoyed it too. More than I probably should have with someone I only just met. A complete stranger. But all I could think about was you. Wanting more." I snapped out as I shoved at his chest, ignoring the wince he gave at the contact. "But still I looked past that thinking even if we were fuck buddies I was okay with it because there was something about you that I wanted to make mine. It confused the hell outta me."
    Malach stood silent, watching me for a moment before his hands shot out, grabbing my wrists before I could push again and tugged me close. He leaned in, causing me to catch my breath as I came face to face with him, finally remembering who it was I was pushing around. "You've always been very crude in the way you speak." he muttered as he leaned in, forehead touching against mine lightly. My breathing erratic from my outburst started to calm.
    "There's nothing crude about the truth." I whispered out, eyes closing at his nearness.
    "I think there is when there are gentler ways of putting something."
    "You like my mouth though." I whispered with a smile, not able to catch the comment from spilling.
    "I do. Very much so actually." he whispered back. My eyes snapped open moments before his mouth brushed against mine. His hands loosened from my wrists, pushing into my hair to tilt my head back as he stepped closer. My hands moved to his clean shirt, clutching as I tugged him closer.

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