Chapter 7: Freeman

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Over a month later after the first outbreak, Gordon Freeman is finally removed from his stasis of ten years and is inserted into a train arriving to City 17. By the time Freeman has arrived, the city is back into it's normal conditions since ever the infected had disappeared weeks before his arrival. He passes through the city and later on reached a hidden Resistance lab located within the city.

Freeman reunites with three of the Resistance leaders named Barney Calhoun, Alyx Vance and Isaac Kleiner. Barney reintroduced to Gordon the Hazardous Environment Suit Mark V, or the HEV suit in short. While Barney was bringing out the suit, Kleiner's pet Headcrab named Lamarr, was introduced to Gordon. Kleiner managed to gain contact with Black Mesa East, allowing Freeman to contact Eli Vance, his former teammate in Black Mesa who is now the head of the Resistance.

Alyx was sent to her father's Resistance headquarters through a teleporter, then Gordon followed after her. However it ran into an accident when Kleiner's pet Headcrab jumps into it; teleporting him for a few times into the Wastelands and into the Combine administrator's office in the Citadel. Because his appearance in those locations through teleportation, all of the Combine have been alerted of his appearance and the Citadel is once again set on full alert.

The infected on the other hand, began getting hungrier in the undergrounds of the city. And by hearing the loud sirens that have not been activated for such a long time, the infected were attracted to the outside areas of the city again and they began searching for food. The infected being hungry at the same time, grew more aggresive against everything in their way.

Gordon Freeman, not being able to use the faulty teleporter, started heading to Black Mesa East on foot. This gave an advantage to the Combine to track him down more easily as he goes on foot to a far destination. Upon travelling through the areas out of the city, the reappearance of the infected started becoming noticed by Freeman, the Resistance and the Combine. The Combine started needing the infected one more time to stop Freeman before he reaches his destination; causing them to deploy the weaponized Nuclear Plague into the areas Freeman is travelling to.

Canisters of infected gas was deployed across the outer canals of the city, reaching some of the refugee stations and infecting the rebels in them. While this took place, the Combine quickly activated defense fields in the areas and sealed off most of the entrances leading to the Wastelands. This contained the infected in the outer areas near the city, forcing them to go after Freeman and the rebels.

However, Freeman was able to fight through the Combine and the infected trying to hunt him down, along with the help of the rebels in the areas. After some time, the rebels finally escorted Freeman out of the canals of the city. He escapes through the use of an airboat created by the rebels while the infected are chasing him from behind and the Combine attacking from ahead. The rebels having Freeman finally escaping City 17, now begin escaping on their own while the Combine focus tracking Gordon down. However, this also led the infected to follow the escaping rebels out of the main canals.

Eventually, Freeman was already close to reaching Black Mesa East. When he reached another rebel station, the rebels equipped an Airboat Gun powered by Vortigaunt plasma. After his airboat was upgraded, he continued to Black Mesa East, ready to fight more of the Combine. The Combine began sending in final teams outside of Black Mesa East to stop him while the infected are also still pursuiting him from behind.

Freeman used the powered gun against the Combine ahead of him, and none of them stood a chance against him. Having all the Combine downed, he quickly drove into the entrance of Black Mesa East and entered the main entrance before the infected could have reached him first. He reunites with Eli, Alyx and Judith Mossman, another one of the Resistance leaders. He also meets Dog, a robot constructed by Eli Vance.

However, the Combine did not give up tracking Freeman down yet. It wasn't very long until they have launched a sector sweep on Black Mesa East in attempt to capture him and the other Resistance leaders. However, Freeman succesfully escapes out of Black Mesa East through the abandoned entrance to Ravenholm. The soldiers were able to capture Eli Vance, one of the Resistance leaders in Black Mesa East. The loud noise of the sector sweep on Black Mesa East attracted the infected from around the area, causing them to try and break into the base. After the Combine completed one of their goals of capturing Eli Vance, they continue to search for Freeman and the rest of the leaders. The Combine then left the area, leaving the remaining rebels to be killed by the infected.

Alyx Vance evacuated along with a few other rebels to another location while Gordon Freeman takes the far more dangerous route through Ravenholm. Eventually, he makes it out of the abandoned town alive and contacts Alyx Vance near the coasts, becoming informed that her father, Eli Vance, had been kidnapped by the Combine from Black Mesa East. Gordon travels across the dangerous post-nuclear Wasteland zones while it was the "spawning season" of the Antlions, and soon reached the abandoned and Combine occupied roadways of Highway 17.

During Freeman's journey to Nova Prospekt, the Resistance aids him by supplying him with first-aid and ammunition and also helped in fighting the Combine in his way. After passing multiple Combine checkpoints, Freeman comes across a Vortigaunt camp after navigating through a big area that is largely occupied by the Antlions.

The Vortigaunts extract a pheromone pod, or "Pheropod" from a slain Antlion guard, a larger alpha variant of the Antlions. With the use of the Pheropod, Freeman uses it to gain control of the Antlions, causing them to treat him as an alpha. After exiting the Vortigaunt camp, he very soon steps into the zones near Nova Prospekt, which was also known as the areas invaded by the infected before the Overwatch dropped the nuclear warheads in the Wastelands.

With the help of the Antlions, the Overwatch guards outside of Nova Prospekt were easily taken down. While Freeman makes his way across the outer building, he shuts down every defense field he came across with. These defense fields were the only hope of effectively stopping the Antlions and the other alien wildlife from invading Nova Prospekt, and having them shut down allowed the Antlions to move together with Freeman into the building.

Eventually, all of the outer defense fields were shut down due to Freeman's actions, allowing the Xenian wildlife to invade the building. This second invasion in Nova Prospekt was far more dangerous than the one with the infected due to having Gordon Freeman, the antlions, and various other alien wildlife breaching the building. However, Gordon soon lost control of the Antlions when another Antlion guard showed up in the invaded buildings.

At some point, Alyx Vance meets up with him and they both fight through Nova Prospekt to reach the Depot sector, where Eli Vance is being imprisoned in a Combine Pod. Alyx and Gordon transfer Eli into a teleporter room located in another area in the building. However during their movement to the teleporter room, the infected appeared again after a long time and entered the building due to having all of it's outer defense fields shut down.

Judith Mossman was soon discovered in Nova Prospekt working undercover as a spy for the Combine. She brings Eli with her into the teleporter, teleporting them into the Citadel and away from Nova Prospekt. Gordon and Alyx wait for the teleporter to reset while they fight off the approaching infected and Combine guards. Soon, the two enter the teleporter, but it caused an extremely fatal accident. The teleporter accident led to an unbelievably massive explosion, destroying all of Nova Prospekt and killing everything else in it. The unstable teleportation also caused Gordon and Alyx to instantly fastforward one week in time, landing on their destination when an all-out war between the Resistance and the Combine had already been taking place.

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