Epilogue: The End?

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After ages passed, the winter began to come to an end. Humanity rebounded on the planet as life went back to normal. As the snow began melting, Cryonian wildlife began migrating back to the cold regions of the planet. Planet Earth served as a new home for the Xenian wildlife as they rebounded across the planet. By this time, everything the Combine built from the past had completely disappeared than the destroyed cities that have now been taken over by plantlife and alien wildlife.

Now that humanity had greatly increased in number, more than their population during the Combine era, they begin exploring the abandoned ruins of what used to be occupied by the Combine. It was such a sight seeing the underground tunnels and the collapsed buildings turn into part of what is now a rainforest.

As humans explored deeper into the underground rainforests, they have discovered, or perhaps rediscovered something strange. There lied a patch of mushrooms, glowing in an eerie green color. The humans attempt taking samples of these mushrooms for research. However, one of them begins feeling a painful sensation when one of the mushrooms touches his bare skin. A sensation... of extreme anger and aggression...

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