Chapter Eleven: The Ways of Leadership

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Sora sneezed.

Raelynn patted her on the back, holding out a pack of tissues like the kind, yet obnoxious soul she was. "You sure you're OK to be here, Sor?" she asked, concern written across her face.

"She'd be in bed if she needed to be, imbecile," Silver muttered, sparking off a whole new argument as Sora blew her nose.

She turned to her quieter teammates, silently edging away from the bickering duo, having no desire to try and stop the pair. "So... you guys have any idea why Oz dragged us out here?" she questioned, eyeing up the yawning twins.

Oz had dragged the seven of them out at some godforsaken hour in the morning before promptly vanishing on orders from something called 'the Dragon Council'.

Sora was betting it was a council of dragon riders, and possibly their dragons too. There was a bit of a hint in the name, if she was completely honest.

Still, council or not, she still didn't have the slightest idea about why they'd been dragged out so early.

"Twin, twin," Eir nudged her sibling. "When do you reckon he'll be back? An hour, or two?"

Eisa grunted, her face pressed against her sister's shoulder, eyes fluttering shut every now and then. "Dunno."

"Hopefully soon," Sora said, muffling a yawn as she disposed of her used tissues.

All of them were tired.

Callum had even fallen asleep on top of a very happy Beatrice. Though she doubted the redhead would be falling asleep anytime soon. She looked far too happy.

"Dammit!" Raelynn stood, ignoring the sharp glare from Silver. "Where is that annoying halfwit?"

"You actually know what a halfwit is?" Silver stared at her scathingly. "Isn't that a surprise..."


Sora rubbed her head, quietly praying to whatever god was out there to make the pair of them shut up. She did not want a headache. Especially not when she'd be joining in with whatever exercises Oz would be making them do.

As if by magic, and Sora briefly wondered whether it really was, Oz appeared behind the bickering pair. A hand landed on each of their heads rather gently compared to his usual punches. "What—"

Raelynn leapt to her feet, startled, an elbow lashing out blindly.

He caught her arm, one eyebrow arching. "And what do you think you're doing?" he asked, staring at her sceptically. "Oh, are you telling me you want more training later? Alright then, I'll come and get you after you've finished this little task I've found for you."


Silver snickered.

Oz glanced over at her. "What's that Granny? You want to join too? Excellent," he said, a wide smirk appearing on his face at their horrified expressions. "I'll nab you too, but before that..." He unfurled a scroll, passing its contents to the silverette. "That's what you've got to do for today. Have fun, my cute little students."

Eir shivered, watching as he walked away from them, waving a hand over his shoulder. "Is it me, or did that sound like a threat?"

"You aren't the only one thinking that, twin."

Raelynn scowled, clearly unaffected by Oz on the whole. "Why'd he give you the scroll?" she grumbled. "He could've left it with me."

"Clearly I'm the more responsible one here."

Rainbow Magic (Dragon Rider #1) {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now