Silver and Sora

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Sora stumbled forwards, spinning around to face him, gritting her teeth as she caught sight of him. He looked the exact same as he had all those years ago—he hadn't aged a day. His hair was coal black, his eyes a bright unearthly shade of green and his neck was still wrapped with a band of inky black diamond marks.

"Shame your egg hasn't hatched yet, little rider... otherwise you'd make a good little soldier to add to my collection." He shrugged. "As it is, you'll be a pretty pathetic one, but I don't really have much choice."

Her legs shook, the sheer weight of his presence making it hard for her to think straight and come up with a plan to get herself out of this mess.

He'd fought seven Golds and walked away with only a single large scratch down his chest.

Sora didn't have a chance in hell of fighting him and walking away alive.

Dead was another matter, but she didn't really want to think about it... because there was no doubt in her mind.

The man in front of her was a necromancer.

She'd seen him raise skeletons and whole corpses in his last fight years before, when she'd escaped his grasp thanks to a handy distraction of gold magic... and gold magic didn't grow on trees, so she doubted it'd save her a second time around.

"I would've been collecting your little squad sooner or later..." he said, a small smile on his lips as he reached towards her, green lightning sparking around his arm. Something told Sora it wasn't something as pathetic as green magic...

If it touched her she'd be a goner.

"After all... I've been waiting for a while to add that precious leader of yours to my personal collection." His arm stopped, falling back to his side as he stepped closer to her, laughing as her legs trembled—threatening to give out on her. "You can't move, can you?" He laughed, and it was a sound that chilled her to the bone... and she figured out what he was doing to her in an instant.

He was taunting her... like a cat playing with its food.

"Seems like you haven't been under the tutelage of the Hero for very long..."

"Hero...?" she echoed, her voice barely above a broke whisper.

The necromancer laughed. "Seems he hasn't even told you everything about himself just yet... so I guess you don't know about his lineage... or why I'm so inclined to add him to my special collection."

Sora blinked, confusion written across her face but that was quickly replaced by sheer terror as he reached towards her once more.

"I guess you'll never find out," he said, his hand reaching for her neck as she shuffled back as quickly as her shaking legs would allow... but it didn't stop the green lightning from arcing towards her over the small gap she'd created.

Fear made her eyes slam shut, but a hand on her shoulder made them snap back open, her gaze narrowing on Silver as she shoved her out of the way.

"SILVER!" she yelled, slamming into the ground with a loud thud, only able to watch as the silverette was engulfed in crackling green light. "No..." she whispered, but her shock soon turned into confusion as the light dissipated and Silver was standing there—a grimace on her face the only proof his magic had struck true.

"Sora!" The necromancer turned to face one of the cloaked figures watching them from the rooftops.

"Huh?" She blinked in confusion.

Evidently, though, there was another Sora amongst them... and this new Sora used both their confusion to punch Silver in the stomach.

Lightning crackled around Silver's hands in answer—her burnt, battered hands that'd already taken a beating from that same silvery lightning she was trying to use that very instant.

"Run," Silver hissed, her sparks fizzling away as another fist pounded into her gut. "Get Oz. Now!" She clenched her teeth, ducking away from the woman's next blow, but it wasn't enough. The other Sora was on a whole other level to them, just like him.

"You know..." The necromancer's voice made them all freeze. "There aren't many people who could survive my lightning without even a single barrier to defend themselves..."

Silver stared at him.

"With those burnt hands..."

Sora felt a shiver run up her spine, some small voice in the back of her mind screaming at her to grab Silver and run.

That small voice soon became a very loud shouty voice she recognised.

The Monster.

"Grab the Granny and get out of there!"

It was too late though.

"Your tendency to use lightning..." Dazzling green eyes locked on Silver as she edged back. Sora couldn't blame her for doing so, though. The way he was staring at the silverette unnerved even her—and she wasn't the one being stared at. He looked far too happy, and she soon had an inkling why at his next words which were barely audible over the Monster's shouts.


He grinned. "Hello... Shenlong..."

Rainbow Magic (Dragon Rider #1) {EDITING}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang