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He landed with a light thud, effectively separating their group, and Sora cursed their luck. If they hadn't overtaken Oz, they'd all be able to run back the way they'd come. As it stood, only Beatrice, Callum and the twins could do just that... well, without having to run past one of the most dangerous men in the world.

"Scaredy-Cat," Oz said, shifting in his stance, keeping his eyes fixed on his enemy. "Take Redhead and the Straw Siblings back the way you just came."

"But—" Eir hissed, ignoring the way Callum was shaking, eyeing the three of them up ahead.


A loud guttural roar above them stirred them all into action, a flash of red scales in the mist overhead telling Sora exactly who'd made that noise. Ran. Oz's dragon. Meaning there was at least one more dragon, judging from the sounds of fighting above.

Oz didn't looked fazed, instead glaring quickly at the four behind him till they obeyed his instructions – sprinting back down the way they'd just come.

"Sora, take Blondie and—"

"Shenlong," the necromancer's voice made them freeze. He moved faster than they could blink, one pale hand wrapped around Silver's throat, slamming her into the rockface behind. Her feet dangled in the air, hands desperately clawing at his own, silvery sparks crackling around her, but he wasn't affected in the slightest. In fact, he looked oddly bored.

Oz swore.

Raelynn opened her big mouth.

Sora resisted the urge to facepalm.

Things were only going to go downhill.

"Let Sil go!" Raelynn hissed, looking outraged when he turned his back to her, instead dealing with the incoming Oz.

Sora shivered, fear trickling down her spine as she noted how easily he dodged or deflected Oz's hits. And if Oz couldn't land a good hit, they had no chance.

He was in a completely different league.

So how the hell were they supposed to defeat him?

Raelynn decided for them.

"Rae!" Sora hissed, cursing the girl's impulsiveness. She hadn't even had time to think of a plan, but something told her she wouldn't have time to. Silver's face was quickly turning a rather alarming shade of pale blue.

Raelynn lunged towards the necromancer, ignoring all of the sharp tools she had at her disposal, sinking her teeth into his arm with a snarl.

The necromancer stiffened, ducking under Oz's fist, turning a pair of rather judgemental green eyes on the teenager biting him.

Sora closed her eyes, throwing all her common sense to hell as she ran after the hyperactive maniac she'd grown rather fond of, throwing her foot forwards with as much force as she could muster. "Bring it!" she hissed, eyes widening when a boot slammed into her midsection, the force of the kick throwing her backwards by a good few metres.

She gasped for breath, oddly winded, silently promising herself to do more physical training when she got back down the blasted mountain... because honestly that display was just pathetic.

But apparently it got the job done.

Raelynn sprinted back towards her, all but dragging Silver behind her as the mist started to thicken. It was unnatural, Sora decided, the realisation making her curse internally. She doubted the necromancer was here alone, and she doubted they could stick by Oz.

"Oy, little twerps! Get out of here, now!" Oz yelled. "And don't you dare fall off the damn mountain!"

Sora sighed, grabbing Silver's other arm, hauling the pair further up the trail. She cast one look back, heart beating furiously as she kept an eye out for any pursuers, but all there was were the sounds of fighting and an odd green and red glow moving about inside the mist.

They were on their own.

Sora ran forwards, Oz's last words ringing in her ears, silently praying they didn't come true. They were on unfamiliar territory, and the mist was still all around them – blocking their vision.

Of course, Sora's luck, being as terrible as it was, just had to strike then and there.

The ground crumbled under the next step she took, her brain screaming the warning signals as her foot dropped. Her eyes widened, hands scrabbling to find something to grab onto but it was too late. Stones skittered, Raelynn screamed, and Sora fell.

Rainbow Magic (Dragon Rider #1) {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now