Kalinin's plan

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Capítulo 2: Kalinin's plan

A military transport helicopter was descending on the deck of Tdd-1. Once landed, the deck enveloped the entire heliport and the giant submarine descended to the depths.

Captain Teletha Testarossa guided Lydia and her friend Percy through the submarine, who were impressed by the size of the submarine.

"Why does Tdd-1 have that cetacean shape?" wanted to know Lydia.

"In this way," Tessa replied, "you get better radar camouflage and faster travel speed."

Lydia was surprised because the torpedo shape of the submarines guaranteed a better stealth system against enemy radars and the speed of displacement increased, while the shape of the Tdd-1 contradicted Tessa's explanation.

The three of them arrived at Tessa's office and she better explained to them the whole issue for which she needed Lydia's help.

"Lydia, do you know the warrior?" asked Tessa.

"I heard about it on the news," Lydia replied, "it's a new virtual drug that came from Russia and is said to have no addictive effects."

"Yes, it is a drug, however, it has a delayed addiction effect."

"Delayed addiction?" Percy said.

"Even if the drug is shown to the public as harmless, its addiction does not manifest itself until six years after its use."

"And why don't they give this information to the authorities?" Lydia asked.

"Lydia remember that the drug is not physical like cocaine or marijuana, this is software that can only be used by a person wearing a virtual reality helmet. In addition, there are several scientists who certify that the drug will not produce any addiction."

"Scientists who are sure to be paid by whoever distributes the drug wholesale," Lydia said, "this happened with cigarettes at the time, at first the tobacco companies paid many scientists to ensure that the cigarettes did not cause lung or trachea cancer. It is also what happens with scientists who say that there is no climate change because of global warming, that everything is global paranoia."

"That's right, the situation with this drug is in limbo. As a drug it is not accepted by society, but since it has no immediate addictive effects, it is also accepted. In legal matters, the same thing happens, there is no political will to deal with this issue in Spain."

"I read that it is in Spain, where the highest consumption of this virtual drug occurs," said Lydia.

"Exactly, Spain alone represents ninety-eight percent of consumers, and that's not the most serious thing," said Tessa, frowning this time, "it seems that the profit from the commercialization of this drug is used to acquire the latest generation of combat mechas."

"And those mechas, do they have a buyer country?" wanted to know Lydia.

"I'm also worried about that, because Spain is the recipient of the mechas. However, I haven't told you the worst part yet."

There was a pause and Tessa continued.

"I already explained to you about the force field technology that our mechas have, well, only one of our mechas actually has such technology. Before, one of our enemies also had this technology and that was the end of the matter, but now there were many mechas with this technology."

Lydia Deetz and Fullmetal Panic (completed 7/7)Where stories live. Discover now