A Note and Warnings

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Warnings: Blood, skeleton, demons, murder, nasty things.

A note: This story is 9 chapters long. 

You can find all future horror shorts under another title. I'll figure that out when I get there. 

I do take reviews. Yes, the story could have been longer. No, I didn't want to make it longer. It was giving me a headache.

No, I don't have a beta. Should I find one for this, I will send it to them and let them read it. 

Things you need to know:

1) There is a chapter where there is talk about skin being removed forcibly from a woman. That is in chapter 5.

2) 5 and 6 are short, more information filler chapters.

3) This story is complete.

Posting schedule for this story: 

Chapter 1: 10-1-2018
Chapter 2: 10-3-2018
Chapter 3: 10-7-2018
Chapter 4: 10-11-2018
Chapter 5: 10-15-2018
Chapter 6: 10-19-2018
Chapter 7: 10-23-2018
Chapter 8: 10-27-2018
Chapter 9: 10-31-2018

Thank you and enjoy.

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