Remember the Past's Demons 8

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Waking up as moonlight streamed in through his window, Richard groaned as he sat up in bed slowly. Looking at the alarm that sat on his nightstand, a frown tugged at his lips. "Why the fuck am I up at three in the fuckin' mornin'?" he grumped. Sighing, knowing that he wouldn't be getting any sleep any time soon and glad that there wasn't really going to be anything planned for the rest of the day outside of some essay work, he pushed his blankets back.

Sliding out of the large bed, Richard shivered as his feet hit bare floor, making a note to get an actual rug for it.

Hardwood, while pretty and looking good for resale, sucked all of the warmth out of you if you didn't have the rooms as hot as a greenhouse.

Shaking off those thoughts, he shoved his feet into his pink fuzzy slippers that had been pushed towards his dresser, and headed down the stairs. He headed into the kitchen, finding Jac standing in front of the single serve coffee machine, watching it with an intent look that the man had only really used on Leon once they had really started talking.

"Got into his pants finally?" he asked, drawing black eyes over to him as he smirked.

"Not yet. Just stayed the night because we cam in close to midnight."

"So tell me why you are awake and glaring at our coffee machine?" he asked. Jac held up his phone and wiggled it.

"I got called in for a couple of hours. The night manager went into false labor and had to head to the hospital apparently. I'm to cover her last four hours of her shit," Jac told him. "I do hope that you don't mind that I snagged one of the higher caffeine coffees."

"Not an issue. You gonna go home or come back after shift?" he asked. He knew where Jac worked and knew that it was between them. He also knew that he usually worked evenings and didn't work the nights before he had early morning classes. Since they were the same classes as his own, that would be the nights before Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Jac groaned as he pulled the now filled mug close to hi. "Not a clue. I'm going to have to be here later this afternoon anyways. Luckily our assistant night manager can do the work for our manager if she ends up bed bound for her last month," he said. "She was desk bound anyways, so it would be to much of a change. I will be back later this afternoon as planned. About two, give or take. I'll be home by seven and that'll let me get a nap in."

"Sounds good. I'll be heading to the store to pick up some stuff today. We're low on shit again," Richard hummed. He turned on the kettle and let it heat before pouring the hot water into the cup, tossing in a tea bag. Jac hummed as he pulled out his wallet, laying out a fifty. "You do know that you don't have to add money to the household right?" he asked, dunking the tea bag.

"So you tell me. I've been here more than my own home," Jac stated, waving a hand. "Don't worry about it to much. I need to clean out my refrigerator and freezer again." Richard raised an eyebrow. "I'll bring whatever I know we can use for the next couple of days. Or will be used before I use it."

"You have got ta love the last push to finish a very important essay and presentation," Richard groaned. He shook his head, getting a small smile from the other man. "Yeah. Okay. I'll pick up some food and snacks and shit then. I also have to swing by my own job and get my paycheck. Paperwork. Shit like that," he said. He looked up and caught the flicker of something just around the corner of the dining room. Richard frowned. "The fuck was that?"

Jac looked up from his now half-full coffee cup, his eyebrows raised. "What was what?" he asked, wiping his lips with the back of his hand.

Richard rolled his eyes as he walked around him, leaving his mug on the counter, walking to the entryway of the dining room. "I thought that I saw something," he said. He frowned. "Yeah, that was a skirt," he stated, watching the hem of a skirt swish around the side of the living room archway.

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