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"The USB just needs to be plugged into any computer in the building, and our team of hackers will get into the system, unlock the building, and turn off the cameras. They'll also disable security for the room with your target."

As Smith explained the plan, he handed the USB to Arachne. Icarus watched, wondering if he'd ever be trusted with something important for a mission.

"It's an easy target, even if we didn't have the distraction down the street," Smith continued. "There are only a few guards in the museum. They don't know the real value of the staff, so no one's going to be focused on it."

"Understood," Arachne told him, her voice taking on the expressionless tone she used to communicate with their boss.

Icarus sighed and folded his arms, then unfolded them a moment later to smooth down some ruffled feathers on his right wing. His gaze flickered to his left, where the girl Raven had been standing motionless and silent during the whole explanation of the plan. She reminded Icarus of Medusa and Atlas, the robotic way she spoke. Only when spoken too, of course. And she tended to ignore Icarus when he asked her questions.

"Your chopper is waiting," Smith said. "I will see you soon."

Soldiers escorted their team to the roof and into the jetchopper. The flight was relatively quick. When they reached their destination, they parked in an empty field at the edge of a city, and a waiting black car took them to the museum. Well, as close to the museum as it could get. As they approached, traffic rapidly became impossible to navigate. Many cars had been left in the middle of the road as their owners tried to get a closer look at whatever was happening in the nearby office building.

"Come on, Icarus," Arachne snapped. He glanced away from the chaos to see she and Raven were climbing out of the car and into a dim alleyway. Icarus huffed and followed them to the back of the building next to the museum.

Arachne pointed to a red door at the side of the museum. "When that door unlocks, go in through it. Follow the directions John gave us and I'll meet you outside the room with the staff."

Without waiting for Icarus to respond, she pressed her hands against the side of the building. Her bare feet slid out of her boots, and she grabbed them with her left hand.

"I could hold them for you," Icarus offered. "So you can use both hands to climb."

"I'm fine," Arachne retorted. "I don't need help." With her feet and free hand, she scaled the wall and disappeared onto the roof.

"Crazy, huh?" Icarus said. Raven didn't answer him. He looked at her. "Come on. Why won't you talk to me?"

Raven kept her gaze straight ahead. "They don't like us talking anymore than necessary," she informed him. "They hate how much you talk, actually."

Icarus already knew that, but the words still stung. "Well, that's their fault for messing me up," he grumbled.

"Icarus, please, I'm trying to concentrate," Arachne's voice came through the comms.

Icarus opened his mouth to offer an apology, but thought better of it. He and Raven spent the next few minutes waiting in silence.

"Okay, the doors should be unlocking any second now," Arachne said.

Icarus took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself to enter the building. Raven strolled past him without hesitation and grabbed the door handle.

"Whoa, wait up!" Icarus jogged over to her.

"Move faster," Raven told him. "Smith wants us back as soon as possible."

"I know that," Icarus muttered. He grabbed the door as it began to swing shut, and followed Raven inside.

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