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I totally cheated in that coin flip. I had put a spell on that coin years ago to land whichever way I willed it and it still always seemed to do the trick. Ridley didn't need to know that of course. I dramatically dipped him now, so low that his head nearly smacked the ground. I could feel his grip tighten on my back.

"What the hell Vandel?"

I snickered under my breath. "Sorry." I looked over Ridley's outfit now. "You didn't dress up much did you?"

"I dressed up enough for a ball filled with demons," he retorted.

"Well this weird grey color you're wearing doesn't really suit you. I feel like light blue would complement your complexion better. Ooooh...or maybe black and gold would be more fitting-"

"My wardrobe is fine as it is, thank you very much."

"Fine if your personal goal in life is to dress like a rock."

"Please stop talking."

"Make me- OW! What the fuck!" Ridley had suddenly (and very purposely) stomped on my foot.

Ridley gave me a thin smile. "Sorry, my dancing is a little out of practice. I'm not used to not leading."

I stuck my forked tongue out at him. Suddenly I noticed a figure standing a little further back from the dance floor, a glass of wine in hand. It was none other than my own mother. I was sure none of the humans knew she was really the demon queen, hardly anyone ever saw my mother in her materialized form. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her mouth the words 'it's time' before pointing towards a spot in the woods. I grinned and gave her a little wink to convey the fact that I got the message. A small crease appeared in Ridley's brow.

"Did you just...wink?" He asked slowly.


"Yes you did. I saw you."

"Did not."

"Yes I did, you definitely winked."

"Did not."

"Did too...dammit why am I even arguing about this? I'm an adult."

As the dance finished I took a step back from Ridley offering him a little bow.

"This has been lovely sir Ridley but I think it's about time we both go about our night. Hopefully I won't see you around."

"The feelings mutual." And with that we parted. I walked away from the dance floor and was about to turn when I nearly bumped into someone. I looked up to see one of the last people on earth I wanted to run into at this event. I stiffened.

He gave me a small nod. "Vandel."


"It's good to see you again."

"Is it?" I smiled thinly at him. "I don't think your parents would be happy hearing you talk so familiarly with a demon. Weren't you away studying in Pecore or something?"

"I wanted to come back for the haunting ball. I was actually hoping to see you."

I proceeded to stare back blankly at the prince in my best attempt to make sure he couldn't read a single thing on my face.

"I actually have some business for mother to attend to right now. Perhaps we could catch up later."

Stefan nodded slowly. "Yeah...I'm sure it must be important, sorry for interrupting."

Hero Vs Villain (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now