Vandel Hates Bones

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Author's Note: Sorry this chapter is two days late! I ended up loosing wifi for a few days! The fanart for this week is from @julie_o_star28 on IG

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Author's Note: Sorry this chapter is two days late! I ended up loosing wifi for a few days! The fanart for this week is from @julie_o_star28 on IG. I love this picture of Vandel so much! He looks so sassy!!! I especially love his little smirk, haha. 


We'd been marching through the forest all day. Honestly, if I hadn't thought it would make me look like a total pussy, I would've probably turned into a bird by now. I glanced down at my boots, now realizing my folly in only buying decorative clothes. These shoes (as well as myself) were most certainly NOT made for extensive walking.

Behind us, the humans and demons were marching side by side but still refused to speak, a tense silence hanging between the two factions. There were about fifty of them in total, a mixture of both the demons' and humans' best fighters. I prayed that they'd be enough.

Ridley looked to me now. "Are you doing alright?" he asked kindly. "You look a little worn out."

"I'm fine," I muttered. "I always heard a little fresh air and cardio was good for the complexion. I'm as perky as a peach."

Ridley stared at me moment, agape. "You're...what now?

"I DON'T KNOW, RIDLEY! I was trying to come up with a metaphor and clearly the one I came up with was terrible! I'm tired! You can't expect my usual charmingly, witty, and often hilarious commentary to be top notch under these conditions!"

Ridley arched a brow. "So you are tired? Want me to carry you?"

"Already thought of it. I'll look like the lamest motherfucker on the planet if I turn into my bird form now."

Ridley blinked. "Oh...your bird form? I hadn't even thought of that."

" were thinking of carrying me all the way there normally? How the fuck did you think you were going to do that--"

And that's when I suddenly tripped over a stick and plummeted headfirst towards the ground.

Just my fucking luck.

I was about to hit the dirt when suddenly I felt a familiar arm wrap around me, pulling me up into his arms princess style like it was nothing.

"Like this," Ridley said with a smirk.

"You dick," I snapped, hating the fact that I could feel the immediate flush rising all the way up to my ears. "Saying something suave like that and then smirking is MY thing! You're stealing my thing! Now put me down this instant!"

"Alright, alright," Ridley chuckled, gently lowering me to the ground. "You know, I actually did carry you once. It was back when Queen Annette and I kidnapped you."

"Ah yes, you mean the day I got knocked out by my own captive using a plate. Yeah, that definitely wasn't my finest moment."

"And then after you escaped I yelled at you for eating my bread," Ridley continued with a laugh.

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