Traitors on Both Sides

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Vi's eyes tore into me.

I took a deep breath before responding. "How did you know?"

Vi smiled slightly. "Well, I wasn't completely sure until you just confirmed it." My eyes widened, realizing my mistake. "I've never seen you before," Vi continued softly. "You've never been in the aviary and I've never seen you at a Blood Masquerade. Besides, lord Vandel never brings pets. The whole thing just seemed too off."

I looked around nervously. "You aren't going to tell anyone I'm here, right?"

Vi shook his head. "No, no, no! Of course not!" His sky blue eyes widened. "Are you here to rescue us? I knew it had to be only a matter of time until Alteria found out about this and sent someone to save us!"

I felt my stomach drop and I quickly lowered my gaze in shame. "I'm...I'm sorry," I said slowly. "I can't tonight. I'm not prepared enough. But, I promise you as soon as I can I'll find a way to get all of you out of here." I took his slender hand in mine. "I swear it."

Vi's face turned slightly ashen. "I'm afraid," he said slowly. "I'm absolutely terrified I'm not going to make it to the end of the night."

"What happens at the end of the night?"

Vi bit his lip. "To be honest I don't really know. At the end of the party they send us to an aviary outside with the exception of a few chosen pets. After the masquerade the demons who are fond of their pets come back to collect them and the demons who couldn't care less (which is most of them) simply leave us there till next year. The pets that are chosen to remain at the party however...they never come back. Every year I get so scared of becoming one of them."

I gave his hand a little squeeze. "I promise that'll never happen. I'll figure out a way to protect you all." I took a deep breath. "That being said, right now I need you to help not only me but the rest of the human kingdom as well."

Vi gave a little nod. "Of course. What do you need?"



I followed, trailing a few feet behind Varmeer and Lyell to the other side of the ballroom. I glanced back once to Ridley who had already begun a conversation with Lyell's pet Vi. I took a deep breath, hopefully everything would go well.

I continued, following after Lyell and Varmeer to a merchant who was currently sipping on a blood red cocktail. He definitely stood out at this kind of event. He was a tall, lumbering man with scrappy salt and peppered black hair. A blue mask covered his face which matched a long blue cape. My gaze raked over the cape and I noticed a large family crest embroidered onto the back that appeared to be an ostrich. I grimaced slightly. His family certainly had bad taste. I had definitely seen that crest somewhere before. My mind raked back, trying to remember where. Maybe finally all my fashion information would come in handy. Having a family crest on your cape had gone out of style before even I had been born, thank the Gods. I would have remembered someone wearing such an outdated garment to a party. So if I had never seen this crest before where else would I have seen it? The gears in my mind continued to turn. Where else did one see family crests, especially one as unusual as this. History books? But why would the crest of such a lowly family be in the...! I suddenly remembered! This was the family crest of House Ptilium! A house that had been disgraced and had it's titles and wealth stripped away even losing their place in the demon court over the selling of Corisathium hundreds of years ago! This had to be our guy!

Trying to appear as unthreatening as possible I made my way over to the man. Lord Vermeer and lord Lyell exchanged a smug look, coming to stand at either side of me.

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