Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

I couldn't be positively sure how many days passed by that I only caught small glimpses of Derek's face. Was I a terrible person for saying such cruel words to him?

I tried to see it from his point of view, which seemed to be quite difficult in my case. I didn't know how he felt, other than our long ago severed mate bond.

Why hadn't he gotten another mate? Was he waiting for me this entire time? Was he expecting me to accept him and leave Will?

Me? Hooking up with Will? As if! I would never just sleep with a man, I had a lot more dignity than that. I have my entire being to the love of my life.

We made love, we didn't "hook up"!

I shook my head, repeatedly banging my head on the table in front of me

Life was so frustrating! Why couldn't I just have Will and be thrown into paradise for the rest of my life?

I was thankful Will wasn't present as of right now because the repeated head banging was actually starting to help clear my head.

That had always been one of my stress relievers. Pain canceled out other emotions.

It was quite effective, if I do say so myself.

My mate, as of now, was conducting a quick meeting with some of the scouts and preparing "war" plans.

I was most definitely not interested in mere conversation, for I was only looking forward to battle day.

Stopping my constant banging of my cranium on the tabletop, I slowly rose up and thought I'd take a quick survey of my surroundings.

The forest we were submerged in was, all in all, a very beautiful scene of how mystical nature could be.

The sun was on the horizon, painting the sky in vivid colors and hues of pink, yellow, and blue. It was a magnificent sight to behold, I just wish our world would be as peaceful as the sky one day.

My footsteps led me through camp, the various nature colors of tents on display. Everyone was up and about, some cooking meals on fire and laughing, others just mingling about. Their tones hushed a few notches, and most eyes came to land on me as I walked by.

I didn't like this. The feeling of how they were still confused about my entire situation, but they respected me enough not to utter a word.

I didn't wish for my pack to be terrified of me, but it's not like I could do anything to solve this little dilemma.

"My lady," one of the members greeted me formally.

I cracked a smile, fascinated that someone had the courtesy to speak to me.

"Yo," I greeted him.

The puzzlement on his face made me laugh out loud since he was not expecting that.

The other pack members simply watched in silent curiosity.

"How do you do?" The confused man with a light English accent asked me.

I rolled my eyes, a smile plastered on my face. I wasn't anti-social. I was just hard to get through too.

"I am extremely and for sure bored out of my mind," I told him honestly, "What about you? How goes it, my loyal subject?"

I don't believe he realized that I was pulling his strings.

"OF COURSE HE DOESN'T, YOU FOOL!" My little Brain whisper yelled in my head. "YOU ACT LIKE YOU GOT A LARGE WOODEN PIPE UP YOUR A$$!"

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