Chapter 10 Resistance

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Rialoves2cook: I can't believe there are only two days until the end of round one. I've had a blast sharing my cooking and far too often my problems with so many of you. Your support with everything I've been going through has been amazing. Seriously, even though my ex shredded my heart, I have all of you, and I'm so blessed. Tonight, I'm making Lechon Liempo since my family loves our pork, and I need good luck to earn my father's approval. Usually, my mother and Lola make this for New Year, but I have their blessing to cook it tonight. I have some scary yet exciting news on the horizon which I'll *fingers crossed* share with you in round 2 if I'm so lucky.

#LechonLiempo #porkbelly #goodluck #loveyouguys

posted: September 28th, 8:30 pm


As Maria and her family neared the conservatory's four glass pyramids, she blew warm air on her hands. With October looming, biting Northern winds carried a substantial chill from the territories, and the trees in the park were shedding their leaves into colourful piles.

"What inspired you to visit the conservatory? You three aren't usually interested in nature," Rodrigo said.

It was part of the plan Maria, her mother and Tina had devised to get Rodrigo on Maria's side when they announced her new Thai job. Maria had told her mom about the possibility after the first job interview went well, with Sunshine's help. As expected, Camilla had hugged Maria so tight she could scarcely breathe and thanked God so many times it was a miracle her father remained oblivious to the news. After she got accepted, Maria shared her plans with Tina, and her sister was already planning her visit. Since her father would have the worst reaction, Maria waited to tell him.

They brought Rodrigo to the conservatory for him to show off his knowledge of tropical plants and think of Southeast Asia. Then, they'd reveal Maria's departure, just over two weeks away, along with her request for a loan of over a grand for the flight. He likely wouldn't create a big scene in public, but Maria's stomach lurched at the thought of asking.

"I have a school project about the Philippines and their plants. Where better to visit than the conservatory with my very Filipino family." Tina forced a smile.

Their father raised an eyebrow. "You putting in an extra effort at school?"

"Knowledge is the world's greatest gift." After swinging open the door, Tina held it for the others.

"Have you checked her room for drugs?" Rodrigo whispered to Camilla. "Or is she eating laundry soap like the crazy neighbour's son?"

Scoffing, Camilla marched in front of her husband into the underground cement walkway connecting the exhibits, then called out. "She's growing up, be grateful."

Maria tried not to laugh as Tina shot her a lopsided grin. "You've got this, sis."

As they approached the tropical conservatory, the fresh, flowery fragrance relaxed Maria while the sticky humidity made her fall coat stick to her like tree sap. Thailand would be her first tropical experience and first time leaving North America. Her father led them down the path to the Southeast Asia section. After arriving inside the bright pyramid, he pointed out the rubber trees and explained how in the mountainous regions of Luzon, the island their family came from, pine forests grew too.

Rodrigo turned to Tina and raised his eyebrow. "Why aren't you taking notes? You can't remember where you left your house keys."

"Uh..." When Tina's eyes shot to Maria and their mom, Camilla opened an app on her phone and handed it to Tina. "I'll record it, then I'll have clips of you in action."

Rodrigo gave both women an appraising nod, and he strutted forward, chest puffed out as he passed bright purple and yellow orchids. Stifling a laugh, Maria contemplated the best approach to the Thailand dilemma.

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