Chapter 0

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     The director is calling every graduates' names, I'm sweating. Even though I know that I have good grades, I'm still nervous.

"Now group 12-4" announces the director.

Oh no, this is my group and I am first on the list. I glance at my parents seated in the tier. Finger crossed, they are praying for me to get my diploma.

"Ahn Ae Ri, congratulations"

My heart skips a beat, I made it! Seoul University, here I come! I join the scene, smiling. This is the best day of my life!

"I'd like you to applaud Ae Ri for being the top student of this school!" says the director.

Everyone starts clapping and I become bright red. My parents are so proud and I am too, I worked so hard this year.

  After the ceremony, Kim Sang Beom (he prefers to be called Kim Bum) approaches me on my way home. He is my neighbor and when we were kids, we used to be lovers. But now it's over, and he became ugly and annoying.

"Congrats Babo-Ri! I didn't except you to have such good grades" he screams.

I cringe. I hate this nickname, it means silly Ri in korean.

"Leave me alone Sang Beom" I say.

"I told you already, it's Kim Bum!"

I ignore him. 

As soon as I get home, I lay on my bed, my phone in hand. The first picture that pops on my Instagram feed is Taehyung's. Oh, he's so cute! When I'll move to Seoul, I will try to meet him.

"The food is ready Ae Ri, come downstairs!" yells my mother as if I was deaf.

I can't wait to eat, I'm so hungry. I go down the stairs and hear a lot of noise. Oh no, Omma invited Kim Bum's family. I don't like them, they're so loud and they always bring up my past relationship with their son, as if we weren't kids when it happened. Whatever, we're eating bibimbap, everything gets better with bibimbap...

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