Chapter 1

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Three months later...

My omma is crying because I'm leaving for Seoul. I've been accepted at the University of Seoul and I couldn't be happier. Of course, my eyes are wet, it'll be the first time I'll leave my village from the Korean countryside. I heard people from Seoul think we have an accent and it scares me, I don't want anyone to know I'm a countryside girl.

"Take care my daughter! Drink two cups of insam (ginseng) everyday!" says my father as I leave.

"I will! Omma wa appa ga, saranghae!(I love you mom and dad)!" I shout.

3 hours later...

"Terminus Seoul, Gangnam" announces the speaker.

I remove my earbuds from my ears and leave the bus. Omo (oh my god)! The air isn't fresh anymore, the roads aren't dirt anymore, the neighborhood isn't empty anymore, everything is different here! There are so much people walking. Also, stores are illuminated and full with Seoul fashion clothes. The girls are so pretty and stylish. I feel a little disoriented, I miss my parents and my infinite hills.

I need to discover my new home. According to Google Maps, I have to walk five minutes to get there. I walk and someone catches my hand to protect me from a car that ran a stoplight.

"Be careful!"

I look back and recognize his face because we're so close to eachother. It's Winwin! He wears a sweater to hide his face. He's a member of NCT and if fangirls (like me) saw him, they would start following him and harrassing him.

I was about to scream but he put his finger on my lips.

"Shhh, don't speak" he says.

I nod my head. Winwin runs away quickly. I am blushing and I can't believe he touched my lips. I look at the floor and sees a credit card. It's NCT U's! Omo! Winwin must've dropped it when he escaped! I need to give it back... but how?

  15 minutes later, I arrived at the apartment. It's a cute beige townhouse with stairs. I hesitate to ring the bell, nervous to meet my roommates.

A girl with light brown hair opens the door. She is tall, pretty and skinny. I'm amazed. Her hair is so neat and straight, she's so lucky. Mine is wavy with a lot of frizz.

"You must be Ahn Ae Ri!" she says.

"Yes, thank you for hosting me" I answer while bowing.

"No need to bow my dear, we're friends now! My name is Lisa Manoban"

I'm pretty sure she's thai, her name isn't korean and her skin is darker than usual, her eyes are also bigger.

"Come in!"

I enter the house with my luggage. On the couch, a girl with dark brown hair is still sleeping. It's because it's only 11 AM. 

"Wake up couch potato!" screams Lisa.

The girl jumps in surprise, there's drool flowing from her mouth.

"Ew! Wipe your mouth Yoona!

She quickly wipes it off, and says sorry a billion times. Poor girl, I'd be embarrassed too.

"It's fine" I reassure her.

"H-Hello Ae Ri, I'm Im Yoona, we're the same age. I arrived four days ago" she says.

I bow by respect. She's so cute. I'm a short person myself but she's even shorter. Can you imagine? The permanent blush on her cheeks gives her an innocent look.

"I like your eyes, they're pretty" Yoona tells me.

I blush and thank her. Everyone says that because I have hazel-green eyes. It's uncommon in Korea.

I appreciate my roommates a lot, they're both nice. Apparently, there's another one who usually returns late at night. I can't wait to meet her.

My First Time In Seoul [BTS Taehyung]Where stories live. Discover now