Chapter 2 //The New Maid

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Aiko floated in darkness. Her chest was pressed against her ribs, making it difficult for her to breathe. The darkness was thick and foggy, strangling her, choking her, silently. Her heart thumped loudly, trying to escape its secure prison.

Aiko felt lost inside this unknown  and murky world. Her eyes felt heavy, exhausted. She didn't know where she was; she only knew she wasn't conscious. Aiko kept wandering in this never-ending darkness, finally giving in, and crumbling to her knees, bursting into loud tears.

Aiko opened her eyes to reality, sitting up quickly. Her skin was wet, sweat dripping down her forehead, her chest heaving. She felt she had been drowning just now, and was gulping the air inside her begging lungs. Aiko slowly calmed down, her heart thumping less loudly. The dim light of the sunset gently greeted her, making her wince.

Her red flecked eyes scanned the room, her dazed mind reaching the more than accurate conclusion that this wasn't her house, or her room. It was far too large for it to be. Home, right. Aiko thought to herself, flopping back on the futon. I have no home. The orange light seeped through the rice screens, illuminating the room.

Aiko looked down, checking her clothes. It was the kimono she had had on when she ran away. The girl touched it with her fingers, exhaling. At least one thing was still the same. The sheets around her were soft, softer than anything she had ever felt. Aiko felt uncomfortable in them, not used to the cloudy texture. She quickly slipped out of them, standing up.

A pounding headache quickly followed suit. Aiko pressed a hand to her damp forehead. A block of ice seemed to press against the inside of her forehead.

The screens doors were opened, scaring the girl. A small woman with a tight bun and a black kimono walked in. The corners of her eyes were crinkled, her lips thin. Aiko stared at her, not knowing who she was. Was she the owner of this house?

The old woman looked at her, her watery eyes quickly scanning the girl to make sure she was alright. When she was sure that she was, she looked back at her, smiling fondly at the girl. She quickly scuttled to the futon and put settled gentle hand on the girl's forehead. "My dear, you gave me such a fright." She murmured, her voice trembling.

Aiko gulped; her throat dry. She didn't know what to do nor what to say, simply looking at the small woman. "I...I thank you...I...I'm very thankful," Aiko said,  hesitating with the choice of her words. "This might seem rude, but could I know who you are?" Aiko asked,  playing with her fingers nervously.

The woman smiled. "No need to be so nervous! You probably don't remember anything." The woman reassured her. "You were walking on the road, and you collapsed. Very suddenly! I rushed to help. You had a high fever and seemed extremely weak."

Aiko lowered her eyes in silent thanks. Another pressing question escaped her lips."Where am I?"

The maid paused, looking at her.  "In His Majesty's, the Emperor's, royal castle. My name is Eriko, and I am the head maid. Have been for ten years," she stated proudly. 

Aiko closed her eyes. The Emperor. Emperor Hisato. A monster, or so the rumors stated, as they rushed through villages, bringing news so different from the truth they could be considered stories. But in this case, they were faithfully truthful. He was known for his constant and dangerous bloodlust, and short patience. People murmured that he constantly had blood dripping off his fingers leaving a trail of blood. The ghosts of the people he had killed followed him, trying to haunt him, but he did not care. He had many women in his harem and no wife. His family members were no saints either, the rumours whispered. They were all snakes plotting to get rid of each other.  Many strange and suspicious deaths plagued his family, including his own mother. The Emperor faithfully followed his family's reputation, murdering everyone who was against his ideas or beliefs.

Eriko cleared her throat, knowing what running through her mind. "What is your name, child?"

Aiko blinked once or twice. She quickly shook her head, trying to get rid of the dark rumors weighing on her mind. "My name is Aiko."

Eriko clapped her hands. "What a wonderful name. Well Aiko, where is your family? We need to bring you back. They must be terribly worried." Eriko said, kneeling next to her.

Aiko looked at her with wide eyes, her body tensed. She had been a fool, she now realized. She should have begged her Uncle to keep her with him. A girl, alone and without any money or status... How could she live? This world wouldn't welcome her.  It would chase her with torches and pitchforks, angrily hoping for her painful demise.

Aiko lowered her gaze. She just stared at her hands, pondering what to say. "I don't have a family." She whispered hoarsely.

Eriko seemed to understand as a spark of compassion flashed through her eyes. "Well, Aiko, when you collapsed, I was coming back from unaccomplished research of a new maid that I could keep as personal assistant, seems I found the one." Eriko said, patting her knee.

Aiko felt something stab her heart. She was grateful for the opportunity to  find a job, to get money and survive. But she had just escaped from a life where she was a servant. Fate had reserved a cruel joke to make her serve someone once more, cackling darkly as it pulled the strings of her misfortune.

The murderer known as the Emperor, serving him would be hell, but Aiko was strong. She'd manage, she told herself as she tried to make herself feel stronger. Aiko would have a roof over her head, at least.

Eriko clapped her hands in delight.
"Tomorrow we'll go more in depth, but the basic rules to know are: if there is a wealthy person, you will bow down. But just bending your back. For the royals, your forehead will touch the ground. You will never look at them in the eye, and you will always answer with 'Yes...' their honorific title. Is that understood?" Eriko asked, quickly laying the ground rules. Aiko nodded swiftly, knowing already.

Eriko smiled. It reached her  sweet eyes. She stood up and grabbed a new kimono from a cupboard, giving it to Aiko. "Change into this. I think it's your size." Aiko thanked Eriko as she left.

As the rice doors closed, Aiko gripped the kimono to her chest. Her fingers becoming white, as silent tears rolled down her cheeks. What did I do to deserve this? She wondered silently, trying to cover her sobs.
Mother, please, help me survive this new life. She begged, looking up.

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