Chapter 29// Secrets Revealed

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Aiko's insides start to churn nervously. The swish and swirl of kimonos filled the room. From behind the screen, she could see Fumi's beautiful shape step through the door.

What Aiko didn't expect to see was another female walk in after her. Aiko tried to recognize her by the shape of her nose. The nose was familiar, she knew that, but she couldn't pinpoint who it was.  

Fumi bowed down, scanning the screen covered in delicately painted characters. "I see you were taking a bath...without your maids?" She asked, her voice questioning.
Aiko tried clearing her throat from the bile pooling in her mouth. "I... yes. I wanted a moment by myself without anyone else. I find myself being most comfortable thinking alone," Aiko said, hoping to convey the message that Fumi wasn't welcome. "Oh, but it seems someone else is with you...who may that be?" Aiko asked, her voice delicate. 

 Fumi turned to glance quickly at her companion. "It is Akihfumi, Your Highness. I trust you have met her before. She is, after all, the most adored concubine." The desire to hurt was clear in Fumi's crisp voice. Akihfumi bowed; Aiko could imagine she was smiling smugly.

She felt the Emperor's hands tighten their grip on her sides, digging his nails in her skin. She almost hissed and placed her hands on his. The Emperor loosened his grip. "Why isn't he happy to see her?" She asked herself, about to yelp in surprise when her clothes started to float again. The Emperor noticed and placed his hands back on her thighs.  

"It is certainly a pleasure to have Your Highness Fumi and Lady Akihfumi here, but isn't it inconvenient for you? Such beautiful ladies surely need their beauty rest. What could be so urgent you would have to neglect such an important thing?" Aiko asked. She wanted them to leave as soon as possible. 

Fumi snapped open her fan, the edges of her silhouette starting to blur as she moved around.
"Oh well, it is something important, Your Highness. I came here to warn you." 

Aiko felt her eyebrows knit together. "Warn me? For what reason?" She asked, teetering between curious and worried. Fumi turned to face the paper screen.

She knelt in front of the screen. "Ironic... the love ideogram has been written more than once on this paper screen...alongside trust and loyalty." Fumi mused, pointing at each one in turn. 

Aiko blinked, confused, glancing down at the Emperor. He shrugged his shoulders as well, not knowing his sister well enough to determine her ulterior motives. The silence seemed to stretch around them. Aiko was about to ask her what she meant when the other woman spoke.

"His Majesty, my dear brother. Did something awful. Something you should be warned about." She paused; everyone was holding their breath. "His Majesty killed someone he adored."

Aiko felt the Emperor's grip tighten around her even more, his body pressed himself closer to her. "I....Your Highness, this accusation is extremely serious," Aiko said, almost stumbling over her words.  

Aiko felt her limbs slowly go limp. The Emperor moved his hands to her waist, hugging her. Somehow, Aiko knew this wasn't to touch her body. It seemed like a cry for help. He rested his head against her neck, hiding his face. She didn't move him away, placing her hand on his. The way he gripped her was desperate, as if he was broken. Even though Aiko hated the Emperor, she didn't have the heart to push him away right now.  

"Oh, I know, but it is the truth."

Another beat of silence.

"Who did...His Majesty kill?" Aiko said, afraid to step into the darkness of the answer.

A smile spread on Fumi's pale face.
"His previous lover."


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