Chapter 70// I Love You

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The Emperor's mouth twitched with anger. His eyes were blown wide with fury. "How-" he inhaled deeply, "How dare you say that?" He hissed, his eyes glinting. His anger was rolling off of him in waves, darkening the whole area.

Trembling, Aiko felt herself pale under the moonlight. "I....I...I thought it was normal for me to ask to spend my wedding night with my husband!" She snapped back, trying to feel more confident as she faced the true wrath of the emperor for what seemed like the first time. There had been such a peaceful period between them she had forgotten this side to him, only to be reminded quite brutally how twisted he really was.

He closed his eyes, gripping a pillar with his hand so tightly his knuckles went white. "Then, let me ask a simple question," he breathed out, his eyes blown open. "You can think about another man during our wedding and I can't go spend the night with my concubines?!" He roared, cracking the wood.

Aiko stumbled back, a surprised gasp leaving her open mouth. "I...I..." The right thing to do would have, maybe, been to admit her error and proceed to talk this through,  but both parties were fiery and their honor was to high to even think about asking for forgiveness. "You were the one kissing Akihfumi behind that stupid tree!" She threw back at him, her finger jabbing in his chest with spite.

The Emperor chose to ignore the particular attack and advanced towards her, his eyes heavy. " should be the one on your knees begging for forgiveness more than I ever should be!" He yelled back, pushing her against the pillar, caging her against it.

"Why?! Why is everything my fault?! You were the one who destroyed my life and slowly made me loose my mind!" She yelled back.

"Destroyed your life?!  I thought you were happy here!"

"I never was! You treated me like a nothing and when I finally started trusting you I find you with another woman!" She spat in his face, panting furiously.

"Is it my fault that she threw herself on me?!"

"Do you think I believe you?" She cried, tears forming in her red-flecked eyes.

"You should since I would never betray the woman I love!" He shouted, his hand grabbing her chin and yanking her face upwards.

The pavilion was thick with the weight of the words the Emperor had just shouted; he realized with horror what he had just said. Aiko's face had paled even more, her mouth sagging.

" love me?" She whispered, her eyes searching his for any truth to those words.

The Emperor closed his eyes, breathing heavily. He had exposed himself, something he never did. He shouldn't have yelled that, plus, she loved another man. A deep wound started running through his already weak heart. That's why he never opened up: he had been hurt too many times to even try anymore. He turned around and started to head out of the pavilion before a gentle tug on his sleeve pulled him back.

"Don't go..." Aiko whispered, her voice soft and the weakest he had ever heard. Her mask had fallen to the floor, revealing her wounded self as well. "I...I..." for the second time that night, Aiko felt herself at loss for words.

The Emperor turned around, his mask still firmly clamped on his face, his heart dripping crimson colored blood. Aiko seemed small and scared, something which deeply shocked  the Emperor. Her eyes were cast low, full of tears.

He felt the urge to press her in his arms but didn't want to expose himself again. The wind blew through the open windows, soft and warm,signifying the start of spring. A rose petal from the bed fluttered towards them, landing on Aiko's shoulder.
"I love you too..."she finally stuttered, her eyes raising to the Emperor's shocked ones.

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