Part Eighteen: An Account Of My Days Without Internet

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Yes, it's another diary excerpt one.

Yes, I know it's getting old.

Yes, I am being lazy.


Wednesday, July 18th, 5:04am

I'm always at my most inquisitive when I don't have the internet to give me any answers. I'm suddenly intensely curious about Mensa and AVEN and lupus and Graham Norton. I want to know about sleep disorders, since I clearly have one.

Everything is weird.

Thursday, July 19th, 21:32

I currently have enough money in my bank account to run away and start a new life in pretty much any country I care to name.

I have no idea what's stopping me.


Rose McGowan is on SVU and pouting so hard her face might split. In like every scene. She wasn't like this in Charmed.

I need to start making a list of P&G prducts so I can start phasing them out of my day-to-day life. Mostly it's because they test on animals, but also a little because I am SO SHIT SICK od their stupid Olympics ads.


I want to colour in the white bits of my dog black to see if he can dance. #casualracism

Earlier I said to my mom, 'The dog and I are in love. We're getting married,' and she said, 'JESUS!' Lol.

Friday, July 20th, 00:27am

Chris McCandless should have let Ron adopt him. I may never forgive him for that.

I like Conan because he introduced me to Def Leppard, who rock hard despite having a one-handed drummer.

They're doing imaginary mascots on Conan and one of them was Current-Day Axl Rose, who was just a fat guy dressed as 80s Axl Rose, but I think it would have made more sense if he had come out an hour after Conan announced him and refused to participate. LOL.


A few days ago Mariah Carey's husband was on Ellen and he was like, 'I used to have lupus,' and I was like, 'No you didn't, it's never lupus.'

There aren't any ad breaks on TV anymore, just a list of P&G products.

I, too, was made by P&G.

One of Edie Sedgewick's brothers was called Minty and he killed himself when their dad made fun of him for being gay. So that's a thing that happened.


I have been awoken early by some commotion; it is that of the arrival of the internet man. YESSSSSSSS!


So the attic is right beside my bedroom and I don't think he realises I can hear him constantly bitching and moaning about us, our router, the guy who originally installed our router, and his job in general - all the while calling what seems like everyone in his phonebook to complain about how hard his life is.

I am not very confident in "Brian" and do not believe he will succeed in fixing the internet.


As predicted, Brian has left without doing anything productive, claiming that he will be back this evening. I am desperately underwhelmed by technology in general today.


I need to have a shower before work, but someone's been in the bathroom for about eight years.


We are completely out of shampoo; not so much as a squirt in any of the bottles, so I shall have to wait for my hair to dry and use dry shampoo. I am NOT having a very good day.

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