Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Buster was ecstatic to hear the news. He dropped his bone in shock, took a deep breath, about to shout the news to the world, but Jeda placed a paw on his mouth just in time.

    “You can’t tell anyone- Corrine said so.” He hissed.

    He slowly removed his paw, and Buster nodded in acceptance. He contained his happiness, but his eyes seemed much brighter than usual.

    They walked back into their bedroom, and Buster dragged the fabric across the doorway for privacy.

    “You’re not serious!” He shouted.

    “Am so.”

    “What’s going on?” Sunny asked as she entered the room.

    “We’re in Warrior Training!” He burst.

    Jeda rolled his eyes.

    “What? No way!” Sunny gasped. “How on earth did you get in?”

    “Jeda…well… Jeda…” Buster stammered.

    “Corrine told me she was putting me in, and then I asked if Buster could come too, and she said yes. But she said that if we lag behind or not work hard enough than she’ll pull us out, and that we should not boast about it.” Jeda said seriously.

    Buster hung his head.

    “So, wait, does that mean I’m not allowed to tell anyone either?” asked Sunny.

    Jeda nodded solemnly. Sunny groaned.

    “Oh man! Why not? I hate keeping secrets!”

    “I’m sorry Sunny, but this is a big one, and we don’t want an uprising.” Jeda explained, recounting Corrine’s words.

    A draft of wind blew the piece of fabric covering the door. Jeda narrowed his eyes at it, wondering where the wind had come from, since he had never felt any wind in Underhowl, not once.

    “What type of uprising?” Sunny asked, snapping Jeda out of his reverie.

    “All the students running to Corrine and demanding to become a Warrior because we did.”

   “When do we start training?” Buster cocked his head.

    “Um, not sure. She’d come and get us, I suppose.”

    And that she did.

    The next day, Corrine pulled Buster and Jeda out of class and into the training arena. She left them alone at the doorway.

    “Remember, train hard. I’ll be asking Mr Rohanson of your progress.” She called over her shoulder.

    That struck Jeda. Mr Rohanson was training Warriors?

    In the arena were heaps of students. They were fighting with each other, teaching moves to each other, but they were all older than Buster and Jeda. Around two months, supposed Jeda. 

    They walked slowly around the arena, careful not to grab any attention. But it didn’t work. They all stared at them as they walked by. Some were angry. Others looked at them as though they were something disgusting and bad, like a pair of leeches about to suck their blood. The dogs surrounding them just wanted to bat them away.

    Jeda didn’t think this was a good idea now. He was seriously considering turning around, pulling Buster with him, and telling Corrine that there must have been a mistake. He would never have to return to this place again.

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