[A/N] [Trigger Warning] Why I'm likely not continuing any more stories.

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Hi everyone. Thank you, for reading and enjoying my stories.
I know I said I'd be back after my GCSE exams were over and I fully intended on following through with that promise but more things have come up and I believe I owe you all an explanation.

For many years now, since I was only about 8 years old, I've had depression, anxiety, panic attacks and suicidal thoughts. I even started self harming two years ago and it very quickly grew very extreme to the point where I've been needing stitches and have been to hospital more than once.
I was tossed between therapists and councillors, all useless and only asking things worse, for just under 2 years, right after I started self harming. Until last November (Nov 2017) when I saw a psychiatrist who signed me off school and I finally started getting better.

I was home tutored, I did my GCSEs and applied for a college course on animal care. For the first time ever, I had a future.

Then I had to take a 'welfare assessment' to "see if that (was) the right course for me".

As it turns out, it was a mental health survey in disguise. And I failed.

Now I'm going through the stressful process of appealing. I have a careers advisor, therapist and the woman in charge of the cat charity I volunteer at (work experience required for the course) on my side but even still things don't look good. Out of the dozens if people who have been rejected because of the 'welfare assessment' I'm only the second person to appeal ever. I don't even know if the first person was successful or not.

Back to the subject of this and other stories on Wattpad, it is unlikely they will be continued. I'm already noticing the signs of falling into another depression and if I fail then that's likely what will happen. If I win, then I'll be busy with college and the burden of not showing any signs of ill mental health in wake of my success.

If, and that's a very strong if, I do have the time or motivation to continue I will but I don't want to make any promises like last time and potentially let you all down.

I'm sorry to all those who have been disappointed already. In the future, I'll be much more careful about what promises I make.


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