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-Wolf Spider's P.O.V-

Wolf Spider silently sat in a tree outside the building his Prey was in. The Avengers, such an odd name, but Wolf Spider didn't want to question it. The Spider scanned the building, and looked at all of the security cameras. So out in the open.

He threw a small ball, the size of a marble really, and pressed a button. He waited a few seconds before webbing to a wall, and climbing up the side of the building to the roof. He knew the marbles worked, or else he would already be hearing commotion of someone checking out what set of the alarms. The small marbles set cameras and any other security sensor that would give the Wolf Spider on loop.

He made his left blade come out, and used it to unscrew the grate the led to the elevator shaft. AKA, where the electric box was. The Spider crawled upside down to the box, and broke open the box, his knife wasn't thin enough to pick the lock.

The Spider didn't remember many things, and although he had a feeling that that wasn't normal, he just couldn't bring himself to care. There were some things that he just knew how to do without knowing where he learned the skills.

He put in a different web cartage, and pointed it at the box. With no hesitation, he shot the web into the box, pressed a button, and squinted his eyes when his electric webs fried the circuits. Face blank, Wolf Spider let his eyes adjust, and silently crawled to the stairwell. They would have to go through the stairwell if they wanted to check if there was a breach in the perimeter.

He couched upside down on the ceiling and waited for his prey to walk into their trap. A door opened from two floors down from the top. A blond guy walked, big, tall, carried himself well, so the Spider would have to set about on changing that. After that another walked in, with short brown hair, a bit of a beard, and a shiny arm.

Seeing the arm made the Spider tense for a reason he didn't know, but he didn't attack yet. He needed to see how many there were first. He needed his prey to get into a better position.

Two more people followed out, one long haired red head who wore a nervous expression, and a red skinned... man? The Spider didn't know. The door closed behind them, and once again made the stairwell go dark before one of them turned on a flashlight. He waited for them to be in between floors before shooting a web, and making the red skinned man fall over the railing.

The trio turned their heads in the Spider's direction with wide eyes. He shot a web at the blonds' arms and pulled. Surprisingly, the other pulled back with equal strength, making the Spider fall towards them. The Spider changed his position in mid air, and ended up kicking the blond in the chest making him fall down the stairs.

He turned and ducked a punch the brunette had aimed at his face. "Go check on the other two!" He ordered the girl. She nodded, and Wolf Spider was going to stop her, but had to stop when the metal armed man tried to kick him.

Spider twisted out of the way, and threw a punch directly at the man's eye. While the man was distracted, the Spider slid down the railing, and on the red skinned man's shoulders. He twisted his prey around and knocked him into the red haired woman who had come down the stairs with the blond. The Spider glared and was about to jump at the man, when he got a faint tingle in the base of his head, and leapt in the air, twisting to just avoid the repulsor blast.

With a look in the direction of the blast, he saw a red and gold suit with its arm outstretched to the Spider.

"Peter listen, this isn't you!" The brunette said, coming into place next to the blond and redhead.

The Spider felt a flash of confusion at the word 'Peter'. The man had said it with emotion the Spider didn't know. With a tilted head, the Spider whispered, "What the fuck is a Peter?"

-Clint's P.O.V-

Clint almost laughed when he saw the footage through the suit Tony was controlling from the common room. "Surprised Cap didn't pull a 'language' on the kid," Tony mumbled to Bruce, to calm him down.

Bruce rolled his eyes, but the small smile told Tony that his joke had done its job. "How's the overdrive going, Scott?" Bruce asked.

"Pretty good I'd say," Scott answered. "Still can't believe you guys have to manually turn on your backup."

"Precautions, Lang, for things just like this," Natasha said. She opened one of the cabinets, and pulled out two handguns. She then crouched, reached under the couch, and pulled out two knives.

"Dang, Natasha, do you have any of my stuff hidden around?" Clint jokes. Natasha wordlessly pointed to the vents, and Clint silently stood on a chair to look. "Oh my- How did I not notice these? I regularly go through the vents!"

"I put them in there recently. You're welcome," Natasha said as she started to suit up. Clint followed her lead, and climbed through the vents to the roof. He knew the kid would be able to dodge the arrows, but he knew it would at least distract him.

When he reached the roof he saw the entrance to the elevator shaft open and scoffed, "Rude. Didn't even put it back."

When he peaked out from the roof, he saw that Natasha was engaged in a one on two hand to hand combat. Her and Barnes had teamed up against the Kid, and were trying to knock him out. He couldn't hear what they were saying, but knew that Barnes was trying hard to verbally stop the kid. When he threw the metal armed man into Cap, he saw the chance to knock an arrow, and shot it at the kids stomach.

Just like he planned, the kid flipped out of the way, for Bucky and Steve to take their chance and pin him against the ground. The kid started struggling, and Clint could see that the two super soldiers were having a hard time holding him down.

Clint pursed his lips, once they got the kid back to himself, and made him feel safe, he would make sure the kid ate as much as he wanted.

He saw that Barnes was trying to talk to the kid, and after a few moments. The kid stopped struggling and the two soldiers slowly got off of him. Before Clint could blink, the kid swiped one of his knives towards Steve, and saw a thin, not too deep, red line go across his chest.

"Wanda!" Bucky yelled loud enough that Clint heard.

With a reluctant look on her face, Wanda moved her hands so that red strands held the kid down. With a torn face she sent a mental hit, that knocked the Spider right out.

Quickly, he ran down with the rest of the team to check on the kid, "Is he okay?"

Wanda nodded slightly, she was wringing her hands, and her eyes hadn't left the still body of the boy, "He should be fine. I knocked him out long enough for us to figure out what to do."

Steve sighed, "Let's get him to medic then, Natasha got in a few good hits."

Natasha stared at Steve with a raised eyebrow, "A few?"

"Well... yeah, okay, more than a few."

Natasha just smirked, and they all watched as Bucky gently picked the kid up.

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