Way To Ruin The Surprise, Lang

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-Peter's P.O.V-

When Peter's sobs turned into soft sniffles, Peter looked at the clock next to his bed. It was eleven now, meaning Peter had been crying for a few hours, and Peter felt a sudden rush of guilt and embarrassment. He'd kept James here for that long? Just to hold him like he was what? Four?

He pulled away slowly, moving away from Bucky with care, and wincing when his back cracked from being in a hunched position for so long. He sat himself against the headboard, hugging one of the pillows to his stomach. He was a little hungry, but he didn't want to say anything.

"Are you good, Peter?" James asked quietly.

Peter nodded slightly. He already made a big scene, he didn't want to make another one. Honestly, he felt awful. He had a headache from crying, and he felt nauseous yet hungry at the same time.

Out of the corner of his eyes, Peter saw the James didn't believe him. Peter prepared himself for James to press him on it, but to his relief all that he said was, "Hungry?"

Peter looked at him with his eyes widened slightly, "W-What?"

"Are you hungry?" James repeated, "I know I always am after a rough night. I think Nat might make waffles for you. Don't tell her I told you this, but I think she has a soft spot for you." He said the last part in a loud whisper with a smirk adorning his face.

The simple act made Peter laugh, and nod, "Only if there's syrup."

"Course there'll be," James answered, "Wanda won't eat her waffles without syrup, so we always have a full stock."

Peter smiled slightly, and slowly got out of his bed. Hesitating slightly, he grabbed the pillow he was clutching earlier, and followed James out of the room. He saw James glance at the pillow, and he held in a sigh of relief when he didn't say anything.

When he walked into the main room, he saw that there were more people their then what Peter was used to. He noticed that Natasha was sitting with Clint talking about something with Wanda, Steve was talking to a couple other men. He recognized Bruce talking to two other guys as well.

He stopped in his tracks, why were there so many people? Really, there were only a few people that he hadn't talked to yet, but still. It was a lot at once. James looked back at him, meeting his eyes. There was a look in them, telling Peter that he was safe, and that these people wouldn't hurt him. With a deep, silent breath Peter walked in, now side by side with James.

Wanda saw him first. She smiled gently, and walked over to him. "Hello, Peter," She said, "How are you feeling?"

"Hungry," He answered with a shy smile.

Wanda laughed, "As expected. I'll go help Natasha make some waffles. That's your comfort food, yes?" At Peter's nod she smiled, and walked over to Natasha. He watched as Natasha glanced at Peter with a soft smile, and the two walked to the kitchen, dragging Clint along with them.

"Hi Peter," Steve said as he approached. Following him were the two men he was talking to a minute ago.

"Hi," Peter answered, eyes still looking at the two other men. 'Ant-Man and Falcon,' A small voice said in his head.

"Hey, I'm Sam and this is Scott. How have you been?" One of them, Sam, introduced.

Peter shrugged, "As good as I can be?"

Scott nodded, "That's good to hear. I heard Tony has a gift for you. Like, a welcome gift or something."

"Way to ruin the surprise, Lang," One of the guys who was with Bruce said as he walked up. "Hey Kid, name's Tony Stark, call me Tony."

"Uh, hi," Peter said, "Sorry about, um, frying your electric grid."

Tony waved his hand dismissively, "Water under the bridge. Wasn't your fault. Anyways, I got something for you. Only if you want it though, you don't have to even use them if you don't want to."

Peter realized that Tony was asking Peter a question. "I'll take it," Peter answered hesitantly.

Tony nodded and motioned him to follow, "It's in my lab, you can wait here, or come with. It doesn't matter."

As soon as the word 'lab' passed through the air, Peter had to suppress a shiver. The memories associated with the word weren't pleasant, and Peter preferred not to linger on the thoughts. "I'll, uh, just stay here?" Peter answered.

Tony nodded, "Be right back."

When Tony left, James led him to the couch, "Not everyone's here, but they'll be back soon. Is it to much?"

Peter sat in the corner of the couch, "No, it's fine I guess. There's a lot going on though."

"It'll get better with time," Steve reassured. "It can get pretty loud, but you get used to it."

Before Peter could reply, Tony came back in, "Here ya go, Peter." He sat in front of Peter on the floor. In his hands was a small box. He placed the box on the arm rest next to Peter, and gestured for Peter to open it.

He took the box, and slowly opened it. Inside, there was a pair of black glasses. He looked at them with a confused glance, he didn't think he really needed glasses. If he did, HYDRA would have done something about it.

Seeing Peter's confused look, Tony started to explain, "Barnes told us that your senses are heightened, so I thought that maybe many of the things here would be a lot for your eyes. So, those glasses are made to filter out the light."

Peter blinked in surprise, and put the glasses on without a word. His eyes widened as he immediately noticed the difference. He never noticed how bright everything was with HYDRA, as he never knew anything different. He subconsciously relaxed a great deal, and felt less tense. Even his headache seemed subsided a little bit. "Woah," Peter breathed

"Is it okay?" Tony asked. "If it needs a few tweaks, I can-"

"No, no," Peter interrupted absentmindedly, "It's... It's great. I never even realized that- just- thank you, Tony. Really."

Tony seemed to sit up a little bit straighter, "So, if anyone else were to put those on, they wouldn't be able to see. If you want to adjust the brightness at all, there are tiny buttons on the side that'll do so."

Peter tried it out, and silently gapped when the brightness in the room changed until it was the most comfortable to him. "Oh, wow. Thanks, Tony."

"No problem, Kiddo."

-Natasha's P.O.V-

Natasha watched Peter's eyes wandered around the room in childlike wonder. She smirked; looks like the kid was getting comfortable around the team. She walked into near the couch with a plate of waffles, Wanda following with a syrup bottle. "Here you go Маленький паук," She said.

His sat up straighter, "Thanks, Natasha."

She nodded and sat down, "It's only noon, what should we do?"

Clint perked up, "Wanna learn how to play Mario Kart, Kid?"

Natasha rolled her eyes fondly. Of course Clint would do this, probably try to drag Sam in with the plan. "Alright boys, let Peter finish his food. Then you can teach him how to play, alright?"

Sam and Clint nodded, "Here Kid, how about you watch us, then you can play when you're done."

Peter nodded with a soft smile, and Natasha felt like she could relax for the time being.

AN: Sorry for the late chapter, people, I had to start on my summer homework. So chapters may come out less frequently. Or not. Who knows? Thanks for reading, and remember to vote, comment, and all of those fun things! Until next time!

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