Chapter 13

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Pokemon in hand;






~(Y/n) p.o.v~

We were walking through celedon city when we caught a whiff of a nasty smell.

"What's that wonderful smell?" Marin asked.

I was confused.

I tilt my head cutely, making Alain and Brock blush.

"I think it's perfume!" misty said walking towards the smell.

"I just had an idea my mother's birthdays coming up why not get her perfume." I said following Misty.

"I never got why perfume was such a big deal." I said in my head.

Misty and Marin and I walked in, and saw a bunch of girls in kimonos.

"How may we help you?" a girl with green hair asked.

"I need some perfume for my mom, but I don't really know anything about perfume."

"Pika." Pikachu said shaking his head. I get a tick mark and glare at pikachu.

Pikachu then jumps trying to get away from and angry me and on Brock's shoulder who just walked in.

"Well what does she like?" The lady asked.

"She likes gardening." I said sweat dropping thinking about her huge garden.

"Hey! *random name* take this girl to the garden section."

"Right!" She said grabbing my hand.

"Her hand so soft!" she thought in her head while blushing.

"Here you go the garden section!"

"Thanks!" I said with a smile making her look away red faced I was confused.

I shrugged it off and started sniffing all the smells when I finally smelled one I liked.

"I'll take daisy's in sunset please!" I said smiling thinking about moms reaction. She wrapped it up and gave it to me after I paid.

I shipped it to her.

"I hope she likes it." We walked out of the store with pikachu on its original owners shoulder, mine.

"So where is the gym?" I ask looking around.

"It's right around the corner." Brock said turning right.

"Cool! let's go pikachu!" I said running towards the gym.

(If your wondering you always where the keystone underneath your jacket sleeve, and it tied really tight so it won't fall off. Same with mewtwo except it isn't hidden.)

We walked in looking around seeing a garden house, my eyes sparkled.

"look pikachu this garden house is almost as big as moms!" I said. Then the same girl walked up to me.

"Are you here for a gym battle?" She asked looking at you directly. I smiled making her blush.

"yup" I said popping the p.

"Erika will see you now."

"Thanks!" I said following her with my friends behind me.

"Aren't you excited Pikachu, we're going to get our fourth gym badge!" I said happily.

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