『Chapter 15』The Mall

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Turns out, the people who didn't pass are going to the training camp too. Of course, it didn't really matter to me.

Some students wanted to go to the mall and prepare for the training camp.

"Katsuki it might be less irritating if you go with me. Please." I tried convincing Katsuki to come.

"I already said no to weird hair and im sticking to that answer. See you later." He kissed my cheek and walked out of the classroom.

"Aaaw there are just so cute." Tooru praised.

It really bothered me that she can see everyone but no one saw her.

This feeling of uneasiness trailed down my spine.

Izuku, Iida, Mina, Ochaco, Fumikage, Mineta, Eijiro, Shoji, Momo, Kyoka, Tooru, Denki, and I met up at the mall.

I was wearing (favorite outfit)

I put up my hood to not attract too much attention.

'What if someone remembers me when I was doing villain work? But im surprised that I was on tv yet nobody recognized me, I guess im kind of saved.'

Frankly I have only been to the mall once with some old companions to buy me clothes.

"Hey! Aren't those U.A Students?!"

"First years!"

"I saw them on tv!"

Three different guys recognized us and alternated questions.

"Sports Festival Yay!" They all said in unison.


It was 1pm, and we decided that everyone should go buy what they need and get back again to meet up at 3pm.

I went with Mina and Eijiro since they went to buy clothes. We were on the first floor walking and something caught my eye.

A person with familiar aspects. The only thing I saw was that dull blue hair waving in the wind.

I shrugged it off and kept walking.

Mina, Eijiro, and I trotted inside this clothing store and looked around.

"Hey! How does this look?" Eijiro grabbed a black and white stripped t-shirt holding it up to his chest from the hanger.

"Its good." I say turning back to what I was looking at.

I took this plain but pretty bikini and decided to try it on.

After putting it on at the dressing room I open the curtain slowly.

"Well?" I say getting both their attention.

"Omg that looks so good in you! Right Eijiro?" She exclaims.

"Y-yeah. Looks fantastic." He said rubbing the back of his neck.

'I wish I could show it to Katsuki.'

"Ok thanks guys." I close the curtain and change back.

"Lets go buy some ice cream!" Mina suggested.

"Okay." I agreed.

"Yes. I am craving some ice cream." Eijiro commented.

We searched for an ice cream parlor inside the mall. At last, we spotted one. It was kind of like a resturant, we sat in a booth.

Eijiro next to Mina and I was sitting in the opposite of them. A waiter gave us a menu of desserts, Ice creams, milkshakes, fries, sodas, ect.

"I would like a vanilla milkshake!" Mina cheered looking at the menu and pointing at what she wanted.

"I would like to order large fries and a large coke please." Eijiro ordered.

"I want (flavor of ice cream) ice cream and (flavor milk shake) milk shake." I say.

We paid individually and waited for our food.

"I bet you miss Katsuki." Eijiro teased.

"I do. I thought this was gonna be boring without him but no, you guys are sure making it fun." I smile.

"Aw thanks." Mina took the compliment.

Eijiro just gave me a thumbs up.

Our food arrived, "the large fries are for all of us by the way. Thats the manly thing to do." Eijiro said proudly of his actions.

Both Mina and I nodded. We talked for about an hou, getting to know each other.

"My parents were killed by a villain. And I lived alone but not always. I lived with these amazing people but I eventually had to leave them. I decided to be a hero to prove something to myself." I was really evasive on the details.

They didnt ask questions or anything which is good because it would just be a waste of time for them.

I looked at both of them and they were overwhelmed.

'Too much Y/n' I mentally slapped myself.

"Uh, my bad." I chuckle.

"Nevermind that, I'm sorry to hear that Y/n." Eijiro tried to say his condolences but he could sense that I didn't care much.


I bought casual clothing and things I might need for any occasion at the camp.

There was about 30 minutes left so the three of us walked around searching for something to buy.

We came across Ojiro.

"Ojiro! I thought you were with Tooru?" Mina questioned.

"Uh yeah, but she kinda disappeared on me." Ojiro fidgeted with his fury tail.

"Oh! I'll help you find her. Sorry guys, guess we part ways now! See ya later!" Mina and Ojiro start walking away from us.

"Hey wanna go to the arcade?" I ask Eijiro.

"Totally!" He said excitedly.

Every time I played a game Eijiro would hold my shopping bags and I did the same for him.

At 3pm we all met up at the center of the mall and talked about what we did.

Izuku didn't seem to have gone shopping, he was jumpy and so was Ochaco.

'What happened?'

I saw Tooru there with Ojiro. Seems like they found her.

I left before anyone else and went home.

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