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Seven years later

The four of us wore our shirts with her number and Irwin on the back along with her soccer team's logo on the front.

We watched as she kicked the ball to her teammate- who kicked it straight into the net- scoring them yet another point.

The game went by surprisingly fast before it was over- them winning by a widespread.
After a small huddle- they went into the locker rooms before all the parents went down the bleachers, standing around and waiting- some talking to the coach.


I changed into shorts and a t-shirt, throwing my long socks and slides on before pushing my baby hairs out of my face, grabbing my bag and walking out.

I immediately saw Dad and Luke talking to my coach- Nick, so I went straight into Calum's embrace.

"You did so good" he breathed into my shoulder before we both pulled away.

"Thank you" I smiled back- now seeing all five eyes focused on me.

"She certainly has a talent." Nick finished with a smile before shaking Dad's hand and leaving us.

Dad threw an arm around me as we walked to the car.

"What's for dinner?"

We went to a random Italian restaurant, sitting together- debating on what we all wanted to eat.

After ordering- I sipped my water, listening to their conversations about the game and the people around.

"That one mom always goes so hard in the bleachers-" "she always makes us brownies before the games" I mentioned, making all their eyebrows shoot together.

"Why brownies?" Luke asked.

I shrugged, "maybe she only knows how to make brownies."

He rolled his eyes at my slight sass, ending it with a smile.

"Nick mentioned cheer tryouts" dad spoke, making me quickly look to him.

"I am not trying out for cheer." I declared.

"I think you'd be a cute little cheerleader" Calum joined in.

"You're supposed to be on my side." I quickly shot at him.

"I'm on my own side, princes-" their pagers went off in unison, making them all immediately look at each other.

I let out a small whine as Dad quickly threw a few bills on the table before we all had to get up, running out of the building.

Luke sped to the hospital- the four of them getting out and running inside and I walked behind- making sure they locked the car.

I walked into the ER, almost immediately getting ran into by an older man.

"My daughter-" "sir you're not supposed to be back here" a nurse stopped him quickly.

"I need my daughter!" He yelled, making me immediately step to the side, walking away from that situation.

I went to Dad's office, grabbing some of my extra clothes before going to the showers.

I showered- quickly changing before going back to his office.

I sat on his couch, brushing the knots out of my wet hair. I exhaled, going behind his desk and grabbing my blanket and pillow that I always keep here for late nights.

I went to the couch, falling into it before throwing the blanket over myself- letting sleep take over completely.


I breathed out once I finally got my patient stable.

I threw my gloves off, walking out of her room and heading towards my office.

I opened the door, seeing Luke asleep in my desk chair, Calum sleeping under a blanket on the couch along with Ivory and Michael on the floor, covered with his own blanket.

I laughed lightly.

"Wake your asses up- I'm not sleeping here all night." I spoke, immediately waking Michael and Luke.

"You too" I spat, hitting Calum's arm lightly.

He groaned into Ivory's stomach- which made her also groan in response.

"Get up, you can sleep in the car" I spoke.

"Carry me" Ivory whined out.

I rolled my eyes before giving in, easily picking her up bridal style.

"But no one offers to carry me" Calum mumbled- making us all share a small laugh before we walked outside.

Soon we were thankfully home.

"Let's get something to eat" I spoke to Ivory, knowing she didn't eat tonight.

"I just want to go to bed" she spoke simply, starting to climb the stairs.

"Come eat something small-" "missing one meal isn't going to hurt dad" she spoke, continuing up the stairs.

"Did she eat breakfast this morning?" I asked, looking to Calum- not sure if I could remember.

He gave me a firm nod.

"Stole my granola too"

I breathed out- relieved that she only missed one meal before going upstairs.

I checked her room- planning on tucking her in, but she wasn't there.

I went to my own, seeing her cuddled up in a small bundle.

I immediately joined her, pulling her small body into my own, feeling her shift.

"You always smell like the hospital"

"I wonder why"

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