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"I don't know what you're talking about-" "this isn't something you can dismiss, Mrs.Irwin- I don't know if you're aware, but you're actually being sexually harassed along with the beginning stages of bullying- so sit down and get comfortable because we aren't leaving here until I figure out how to handle this situation"

I did as said, setting my backpack beside my chair- letting my back hit the chair, exhaling as Ben stared at me.
"I've seen the video, it was brought to me from a student, and it appears to be on a good amount of social media" he spoke, making me shake my knee lightly- regretting not checking my Twitter before I came to school.

"And what I see from the video- is that it's a very non-consensual, forced, and peer-pressured situation, am I correct?"

I cleared my throat lightly
"Yeah" I breathed out.

He nodded lightly.

"I don't want you to have to face this situation alone- so I'm going to call your father before I call Caleb in here to discuss this-" "my dad is going to kill us all." I spoke, feeling my heart drop to my feet.

"Your dad is going to want to be with you in this moment."

After calling my dad three times- he didn't answer, which actually relieved me.

"Well- maybe we should do this later-" "no, I'm not making it this easy on you" He spoke, clicking though a few things on his computer

"I'll give you a choice of the other references in your computer, I can call a Luke, Calum or Michael, who will you feel most comfortable with?"

"Calum" I exhaled- rubbing my temples gently as the phone rang.

Of course- Calum answered

The conversation was short and simple- just enough being said to where it would worry Calum

"Mr.Hood- very sorry to bother you but I'm here with Ms.Ivory Irwin and she seems to be in a situation I would like an adult guardian to be apart of, and Mr.Irwin isn't answering, would you be able to come and help me sort this out?"

I zoned out every word said after- but I knew he was coming.

The principal sent Ben to class- telling him he would call him later.

Him and I sat in complete silence as we waited patiently.

Sooner than I expected- Calum entered, immediately standing to shake the principals hand


"Calum Hood"

As Richard dug through a few papers, Calum drug one of the chairs closer to my own, gently grabbing my chin to make me look to him.

"Are you okay?"

I didn't want him to ask me that

I felt the tears swelling at the question

"I'm fine" I lied, honestly happy that he was with me- no one would call me a whore with him beside me.

"Mr.Hood- Ivory is involved in what I would consider very early stages of bullying and some progressed sexual harassment, were you aware of any of this?" He spoke.

"What the fuc- no, no, we weren't aware- Ivory what the fuck baby" he spoke- seeking more than shocked.

"There's a student named Caleb- and as we check back on cameras and other stipends words- he's been staying some vulgar things about Ivory along with following her in the hallways and such" he dismissed.

I could feel Calum looking at me, but I certainly didn't look to him.

"But recently, there was a part and Caleb appeared to force himself into a non-consensual make out session with Ivory- which someone happened to video" he broke carefully

"This video has gotten out- and this has led to a lot of talk along with some bullying with some of Caleb's friends" he spoke.

"Ms.Irwin, would you like to tell Mr.Hood some of the things the girls are saying about you?"

Although I knew this wasn't a question- I knew he was just trying to make me tell him, I spoke out a simple
"Not really"

This caused our principal to sigh

"They're calling her a whore, slut- along with other things that aren't true- but girls are-" "bitches" I interrupted, and he didn't agree- but he laughed lightly.

"I don't know how you want to handle this situation-" "Well I certainly think this guy along with those girls should be suspended- if not expelled, what happened to your no bullying what so ever policy?" I could sense Calum getting angry.

"Well Mr.Hood- these girls had a reason to be mad, she was dating Caleb" he explained, and I knew that this was about to blow up

"So you're telling me because a guy forced himself upon my niece, making out with her- when she didn't want it, you're telling me that his girlfriend can bully and call my niece a whore for something she didn't want?!" Calum almost yelled- seeming baffled.

"Mr.Hood- let me rephrase-" "no, let me rephrase" he spoke as he stood, grabbing my bag, which signaled that I needed to stand also

"You along with everyone involved in this will be hearing from our attorney- you have a nice day and be prepared, cause everyone will soon know that you just defended the girls that called my niece a whore."

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