Chapter 51

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2 weeks later...

Vansh's Apartment...

Vansh was sitting on the couch, doing something on his phone, he was waiting for Vikrant so that they can go to their studio together...

Deepika had already left for Bangalore, while Ved was about to leave for Delhi And Ananya was getting ready for the office

'Bhai, did you pack your pink shirt I washed yesterday...?' Ananya asks Ved

Vansh started laughing at this and Ved hit him with pillow

'Pink ! How feminine can you become brother... ' Vansh teased him

'Pink is a unisex color bhai, stop being so judgemental...' Ananya said and Ved smirked at him

'Besides, It suits me as well, so keep your comments with yourself... ' Ved hit him playfully on his head

'Well thank me for your good looks,  you are so lucky that The great Vansh Thapar's twin, the most handsome man and also the eligible bachelor in the town...' Vansh said proudly and Ved raised his brows at him

'I think we both should thank Papa for our good looks... ' Ved said

Vansh huffed, 'Yeah okay... '

'Bhai, did you take your boarding pass...?' Ananya asked

'I'll get it at the airport, but yeah I have the E version of it... ' Ved said zipping up his bag

Vansh smirked at Ved
'Maidaan chhod ke bhaag rahe ho Sipaahi ? Darr gye Saale se... (Running away from the battlefield, Soldier ? Scared of your brother in law...?)'  he teased Ved

'I am not scared of everyone... Aur Maidaan to mai nahi chhod raha kisi haal me... (I Am not leaving the battlefield at any cost..!)' Ved said confidently

'Then why are you running away...?' Vansh smirked at him

'I am not running away.... ' Ved countered

'Packing your bags, catching flight back to Delhi, is running away my brother... After seeing your determination that day, I thought you will make Deepika fall in your arms within a week... But here the story is altogether different...' Vansh laughed

'I would've, but thanks to your best friend, I was not allowed to see her even for an hour, and then she left for Bangalore....' Ved said frustrated

'Don't back off like this Bhai... ' Ananya gave him a side hug and Ved frowned at this

'Arre, I am not running away... There is some work in the office that requires my urgent attention, I am leaving for that...' He whined

Ananya and Vansh laughed at this

'Don't worry Bhai, I know you will convince Deeps and make her my Bhabhi (Sister in law) very soon... ' Ananya grinned

'Not until I am alive... ' Vikrant said entering inside, and Ved glared at him

Ananya and Vansh frowned

'Don't be a bitch bro... ' Vansh said hitting him playfully but Vikrant glared at him

'Don't you stop me in this, It's the matter of my sister's life afterall... ' Vikrant said glaring at Ved who huffed

'Mary, please serve my breakfast, I need to leave for the airport... ' Ved said ignoring Vikrant

'Get ready fast, we are getting late... ' Vikrant said and Vansh got up from the sofa, giving him a bored look

'Bhai, how is Deeps...?' Ananya asked

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