c. 45; Vacation

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July 2nd - 7:22am
Virginia time

"Just saying, an 8 at night flight would be nicer than an 8 in the morning one" Josie dragged towards the group, smiling with her two Picasso-like suitcases. I repositioned myself so that I was leaning on my suitcase to face her, but turned back to the little circle my family formed. She stood beside me, joining in the conversation here and there, but stayed silent as she drew something on her phone. Something I couldn't see and didn't want to. And in all honesty, if I asked she would turn off her phone and tell me something else, as she's done before to me. But, if she didn't want to tell me, I would have to accept and move on, no matter how much I wanted to know more, mainly about her, as I know some, but little as Daniel's told me

"Yeah, but this just gives us more time there" I finally respond, draping an arm around her shoulders as she let out some type of breath, her muscles relaxing. She wasn't late, saying we were waiting on Jordan's girlfriend, but she was late. She was nervous and rushing, probably because of me. I probably sounded a little angry or impatient after the other day, but I really couldn't be more fine. Everyone was going to be here, and I had what I needed for the next few days

"We're not supposed to be there until tomorrow" she responded more quickly than me, looking up from her phone as she poked my ribs. I flinched from the sudden contact, not expecting that, but settled back into place, waiting for Jenny

It wasn't long after Josie that Jenny arrived, rushing towards us. We started towards the security, going quickly to keep from being late. It wasn't like I haven't done this before, I've traveled in large groups over tour, but screwing up something for Josie would make me feel disappointed in myself. I did this solely because she
didn't feel happy or good (maybe because of James) and I wanted her to smile, even outside of Maine. She'll smile for a minute over our calls, but it fades rather quickly, and I hate when she's unhappy. She's the one person who helped me glow, and I want to do the same with her. Something happened with her break up, except hers wasn't like mine. I've accepted my own decision, and moved on, even though I'm waiting for Christina. Josie though, hasn't and looks anxious or some close emotion by the look of her face sometimes. Especially since I put 'ex' and 'James' in context

"Dude. Dude? Dude!" Josie spoke, shaking me as we got past security. She looked slightly worried, probably because I zoned out going through security and all of my answers were absentmindedly muttered to anyone. But, her face went back to a neutral look once I looked back at her. She let go of me, walking with her school book bag and neck pillow, waiting for my mom and dad to get their carryons

Until the flight seemed to go pretty quickly, us only stopping for snacks before continuing. It wasn't much really, just a few drinks or sweets (mainly for Josie). The terminal was fairly empty, probably because of the time and destination, as the other flights that were inside the country were more full- mainly of business people.

"Josie and Jenny, here are your tickets" my mom spoke, handing out the tickets for the two girls. They took them into their hands as the person called out our flight number and departure time, which would be in a few minutes

Mom ushered us to the tunnel, getting our tickets scanned as we passed through. It was muscle memory for me, and seemingly Josie too

Most of the four hour flight I spent on my phone or laptop, same as Josie and Ashley, who sat on either side of me. They would have conversations across me, acting as if I was air, which I could care less about, but the talks they had worried me. Mainly the ones I don't want to go into context about. I was even more thankful when the plane landed, because I could get out from in between the two


the album is dropping tomorrow. but ya know what's more important

we getting close to the good stuff and answers to questions y'all might have


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