c. 61; Broken

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August 11th - 11:29pm
California time

"Can you get Daniel off me?" Venus yells to Jack who sat in the row in front of her on the plane. Daniel had put down the divider between the two so he could talk, but eventually fell asleep, moving around and falling onto Venus's lap. She shoved and poked him but he only whined and mumbled before going back to sleep, staying like that much to her dismay.

"You guys look cute." Jack smiled with his witty remark before turning back to talk to Jonah who was playing his tenth game of Fifa. He could hear Venus groan and throw her head back in annoyance as she continued to poke Daniel, practically slapping his head before he woke up, rubbing the side of his face as he whined and gave her faces from his now sitting position.

"Will you two stop!" Corbyn snapped from across the isle of the two teenagers poking each other and whining in their seats like kids in other classes, and even there's. Except, their parents kept them well behaved whereas Venus and Daniel were taking Corbyn to his wits ends.

"Someone's snappy." Zach mumbled before looking out the window, hoping no one heard him, which was true. He kept it down, but Corbyn was still pissy and rocking in his seat as he had two hours before he was in Caribou. The connecting flight from JFK to there was an hour and half, getting him there at one am, just seven hours before he was even allowed to peer through the glass at her body.

He continued to rock, his thoughts racing with her. She could be dying, and he wasn't there. He never was there for anything, even after everything that had happened just days prior. He didn't stay because of the four shows he was performing. If they would've been sooner or later, he could've been with her, stopping her from leaving and crashing, bringing her to her present critical state.

Just as he thought, Josie looked bad. Broken lip, cuts along her face and arms. Fredrick, her dad, informed him too of her broken left leg, ribs, and radius. Her entire left leg would be operated on to put bones back into place and her arm would heal naturally. But her ribs punctured her left lung, which she just got fixed days before. The doctors would let her lung go back to an okay functioning point before putting her under again. Her lung could only hold so much before her heartbeat would drop, so her recovery would be gradually and long, but mainly for her lung, trying to get it back to its regular capacity.

"I'm sorry Corbyn. This shouldn't have happened, and we're sorry if you can't see her. She's been in and out of conscious, and each time she is, it's ugly. She still yells for my wife, and how she sees her. It's painful to watch her yell and scream about seeing Meghan, and how she's lonely." he went on as Corbyn blocked it out, watching over her from the window as his band mates watch him. He was back at square one. Probably depressed and not going to leave until something good finally comes to him.

"What does she say about her? Meghan, I mean." he asked, hoping for something. He wanted to know about her, because she seemed so wonderful. He never got to meet her, and it crushes him he never gets to meet her mother, the person he wants to thank for Josie.

"Says shes grown out her hair, left it natural. Her skin is burnt, as it always is. She has my mom and her horse, Uno with her. It's all we get from her. She screams, yells and cries, her eyes still closed though. Her heart rate goes crazy and we're rushed out before we can hear anymore." his face was broken, and everyone knew. His dead wife was still stuck in his daughter's mind, driving her insane. Neither have moved on, and it gives Josie sleeping problems. She can't bare to see her mom, so she stays awake, resulting in being clinically diagnosed with Insomnia. She ended up
on pills, but she hated the torment, and simply just started not sleeping much for months on end, and recently buying medication to keep her awake.

"I'm sorry for you too then Mr. Bridges." Corbyn said sympathetically as him and Fredrick stood side by side, watching Josie and Charlie who sat in the room. Charlie was broken out in hives and pale from crying for the past few day. His baby sister could die like his mother did, and it was soul crushing to let alone think about.

"I'll ask a nurse if you can see her. It's just, she's been yelling and screaming a lot, and we don't know how much of that you want to see." he spoke, quietly walking down to the front desk to ask for nurse. Corbyn watched him before looking to his mates, there legs bouncing and fingers tapping as they waited for something. Corbyn stuffed his hands in his sweatpant pockets and walked slowly towards them. Each perked up at the sight of him, wanting to hear how she is and how he is.

"Tell Mr. Bridges I went to see Venus." he said lowly, walking out of the hospital and to one of the rental cars they got. He was going off to see Venus at the graveyard, where her and Mrs. Bridges, Josie's lovely stepmom, were. They were praying and talking to Meghan about her daughter, and just like Corbyn, they were broken too. Talking to a dead mother about her daughter that could soon die was not something Venus or Mary Rose wanted to do in their lifetime, ever.

"She's in and out of conscious. She keeps talking to her." his head hung low, hands returning to his pockets as the sun beat down on the three. Mary Rose wiped her tears away as she stood up, not caring to brush off her pants. She enveloped him in a large, tight hug, sniffling into his shoulder.

"She'll better get that you're here." she tripped over her words, but they still made sense to Corbyn as she walked off to the car her and Venus arrived in thirty minutes ago.

"Her mother was strong and so is she. It's just, when does the strong become weak?" Venus said quietly between the two, hanging her head as she looked down on the grave of Meghan Walkter-Bridges. She struggled to stand up next to him, but still managed as she wiped the tears away. Her dark skin had become light and slightly red, like Charlie's. Corbyn didn't know what to do anymore but take her back to see Jocelyn, who was allowed two visitors at a time, courtesy of Fredrick. He would go in with her, letting her talk as he just watched again, hoping she wouldn't scream and yell as everyone told him she would.

"Come here." Venus held out her hand, waiting for him to come over and see Josie. He did so, quietly and still not talking as he peered over her shoulder to Josie. He examined her, watching her short, but steady breaths. She didn't move a bit, even when he picked up her hand to hold it. He looked over to her left side which was practically destroyed. Josie's entire leg, part of her arm, ribs and lung were so beaten up, and deserved none of it. She simply just wanted to get everything to go right for her best friend, but now it's reversed. Her best friend wants everything to go right for her, even if it's to stop the pain. Venus would be swept with a melancholic disease almost if she lost Josie, but it let her hurt less, and that's all she wanted. For her best friend to be happy and pain free, even if it hurt her, because that's what real love was. When Venus would do anything for Josie to be happy and well, even if she wasn't in the end, and that's exactly how Corbyn felt.

If he could take all the pain from her body, he would do it in a heartbeat. She was what kept him going, and he needed to return the favor. He had to have her alive and well, no matter what happened to him. If he could give his life to her, he would, just so she could be fine.

That's what brought Corbyn to the result of, no matter how fast he learned it, he loves his best friend. And it didn't matter to him if neither have confessed their feelings or only have kissed, because he knew it in all its glory that he's in love.


updates are gonna be down to one chapter every two days or so because chapters are longer and i only have up to chapter 64 written so i need time to plan


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