c. 53; Blue [pt. 1]

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July 29th - 12:45pm
Nevada time

"Josie" Corbyn yelled, coming up behind her. She jumped, dropping her bobby pin by the sudden noise, a wide smile quickly covering her face though as she relaxed and turned to look at the blonde boy approaching her tent in the stable

The association Josie belonged to is wonderful to her. When going to shows, the manager takes one of the larger barns to spilt with another association. They'll take a few stables to be tents for the riders to change and have when not at their hotel rooms or campers. Josie's was in the first row, next to two of the horses, one being her's, Bennet

"Bean" she continued smiling, it almost hurting, as she outstretched her arms to hug him. He ran into them, picking her up and spinning her around once before setting her down, his face now hurting too from the wide smile. She was in her element, doing what she loves and it was amazing to see her so carefree and happy

"I told you you didn't have to come to Nevada for a horse show" she stated, placing her hands on her hips as he laughed a little, taking a step back to create a more friendly space between the two, even though neither cared for the space, and enjoyed the closer proximity

"Why wouldn't I be here to support you" he beamed as she turned to bobby pin the last few hairs into her bun under her hairnet. She grabbed her pallet and turned around to see Corbyn going through her two saddle seat jackets that hung from a hanger on the stable fence

She smiled and grabbed her blue one as he backed up and watched her as she put it on over her dress shirts. It was long (hanging to her knees) and matching to her bottoms, like any other suit. Her light blue vest and white dress shirt gave some contrast to the outfit, same with the black hat she wore instead of a helmet, being in a higher class than the academy riders the association brought along

"I'm doing my makeup before going to get Bennet from Kendall and heading off to the practice ring" she spoke up, sitting on her stool as she turned on her light-up, portable mirror. He nodded from
behind her, taking a seat on the foldable chair that was holding her hat and boots. He watched from there as she put on her foundation, concealer, blush and eye makeup. It came together and matched the outfit perfectly, which was entirely the point of it

She stood up, flatting out her jacket as she smiled to Corbyn for what seemed to be the millionth time before grabbing her boots and hat from behind him. Slipping them on quickly and rolling her pant legs down, she went out and down the aisle, Corbyn following in suit to the tack station where Kendall was tightening the girth on Bennet's saddle so it wouldn't fall off during a gate change

Josie sent a thankful smile before taking his reins in hand and leading Bennet to one of the few step stools on the cement pad. They were made of cement and put there when the pad was built, making it a slight bit easier for the associations coming to the show grounds

"Can you get Steph and Noel? You probably don't know who they are, but it'll be easy to find them. Steph is in the shorts and tank top, red hair. Noel is the black dude - not to be racist - and he's on the black horse. That was a lot of color" she snickered before turning Bennet away once she mounted. Corbyn nodded his head and went off to get the two people who would warm up with her and coach her. Noel was in most of the same classes (groups) as her and Steph had been her coach since she was thirteen, bringing her from Maine to Vermont every Wednesday in the summer for practice

Soon enough, Noel was next to Josie as they awaited their time in the practice ring. Steph stood next to Noel and Corbyn next to Josie, patting her leg in reassurance

"You'll do great" he whispered as she bent down to hear. When sitting back up straight, she felt a warm fuzzing feeling engulf her stomach, turning into a fit of butterflies for the second time since Corbyn's been here. The two people in there already gathered to the middle to meet with their coach. Noel and Jocelyn took this as their cue and brought their Saddlebred and Arabian up to a trot to head into the ring and warm up before their pleasure class

Corbyn stood at the fence, watching Josie and Bennet circling the ring doing four different gaits. His eyes were so trained on her and the different facial expressions she made when trying to gracefully change her gate. She did it perfectly to him, but Charlie, who was now next to him, would mumble little tweaks or changes she should definitely make before going in the actual show ring

"That looked good to me" he pointed to Josie's beautiful change from an extended trot to a canter. Charlie just let out a breathy laugh through his nostrils as he bowed his head, shaking it, knowing she could do better, especially with Bennet

"Bennet could bring his feet higher and not spook" he declared, standing up to face the 19-year-old who just wanted for everything to go well for is girl, even if she wasn't his yet

"I don't do much equine stuff, but I thought she did well" he tried to rebuttal but, as he said, he knew nothing. So what was he compared to Charlie, the one who was there to watch her every practice, performance and move

Charlie quickly let it go as Josie came to the gate, done with her meeting and warmups. Her smile was slight forced, slight anxious as Bennet came through the gates, being guided by Steph, who handed her reins off to Charlie. He pursed his lips quickly before speaking to her about what she needed to fix and watch out for

"Corbyn, I've asked a lot of you. Can you move the chair back from the gate over there?" she pointed over to it, before looking to him. He nodded and saluted before running off to move it, avoiding any horse walking around the grounds who was being moved from their stable to wherever

He shoot a thumbs up to her as she went into the ring, nervous for her first class of the second day. Yesterday was introductions, so today will fully affect her chances in the last day finals


part one. i cried a little from the next part. happy or sad? idk


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