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                         PETER PARKER AND HIS childhood best friend, [Y/N] [Y/L/N] made their way down the busy hallways —— side by side, like always —— to lunch. They'd just had double Biology —— and yes, of course they were lab partners. Peter and [Y/N] reached their lockers in no time ( which also happened to be side-by-side; "talk about lucky," [Y/N] had joked ) and shoved their schoolbooks inside.

                         "Are you looking forward to the dissection next week?" Asked Peter, removing his love and pulling his locker open. He slipped his black glasses off, polishing them with the hem of his button-up shirt before putting them back on his face. [Y/N] looked at him as she rolled her eyes.

               As she spoke, sarcasm practically oozed from her words. "Oh yeah, I'm on the edge of my seat with anticipation," she said, pausing for dramatics, "can't you tell?" She flipped her [H/C] hair over her shoulder before shutting her locker loudly.

               The corners of Peters eyes crinkled as he laughed, carelessly tossing his schoolbooks inside. "I thought so," he said sarcastically.

               She rolled her eyes at him again, leaning on her locker as she waited for Peter to be done. ( [Y/N] felt a little impatient 'cause she skipped dinner and was fucking starving! )

               "So, I'm guessing all this talk of dissections has made you lose your appetite then?" Peter asked her with a big grin on his face as he finally shit his locker. Slinging his backpack over his shoulder, they set off towards Midtown's crappy cafeteria.

               "Pfft never!" She scoffed, waving her arms around to emphasise what she was saying. "I am still gonna be able to eat your food plus Neds food plus my food and still be hungry." She told him as she punched his arm a little too hard.

               "Ouch! [Y/N] we've talked about this, are we gonna need another intervention? Violence isn't the answer," he whined as he clutched his arm dramatically. Though, her punch didn't really hurt she just happened to hit an old bruise. Peter internally cringed at the memory of how he got the bruise; why couldn't people let him be invisible and not bother him?

               "Uh sure it is," [Y/N] said airily as she flipped her hair over her shoulder again and pushed open the cafeteria door. The scent of freshly cooked food captivated them both making [Y/N] sighed with contentment.

               "Why do I even try with you?" He shook his head and sighed as he watched her run off to the food. A fond smile danced across his lips as she grabbed

"Cause you love me," she had told him before she ran off, not giving her words a second thought.

This statement caught him by surprise and he was glad that she did run off because she would of heard the response that accidentally slipped out of his mouth, "If only you knew." After he said it he clamped his hand over his mouth and checked to see if anyone saw before acting normal and joining her in the lunch line.

"Can I have some spaghetti and uh are those mango slices?" [Y/N] asked the grumpy old lunch lady who was serving the food. [Y/N] tried her best not to let the infected wort on the ladies chin put her off eating.

"Yes," she spat bitterly as she put a bowl of spaghetti on her tray. [Y/N] watched as some of the spaghetti spilled out of her bowl and onto the tray.

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