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[Y/N] AND PETER SAT TOGETHER silently in study hall. They both were pretending to be studying for an upcoming Algebra test. Though, neither of them really needed to study that hard because they were both really good at Algebra.

After lunch, everything had definitely changed between them. Neither of them knew what to say to the other, they were never usually like this, usually they didn't know how to shut up.

Peter had no idea what [Y/N] was thinking about just as she didn't know what he was thinking about. Neither of them were aware that the other was thinking about the same thing. What were they thinking about? Well, they were thinking about what Ned suggested at lunch. Yes, Ned brushed it off as a joke before going on about how much their Chemistry teacher annoyed him.

But Peter nor [Y/N] had their hearts in the conversation. All they could think about was his silly suggestion. [Y/N] was starting wonder if it was that silly.

When they both thought hard about it, neither of them could imagine their first times with anyone else. They already shared so many firsts, why not share this one too?

Besides, they'd kissed before and that hadn't changed her views on Peter. He was still her dorky best friend who she sometimes thought of as a brother. As had no romantic feelings for him. Why should having sex with him change that? She just wanted to have some experience for when a guy she actually liked came along.

[Y/N] attempted to sneak a glance at Peter but when she turned to face him, he was staring right back at her. They both blushed and quickly turned away.

"H-how long have you been staring?" She whispered, refusing to meet his brown eyes.

"I-I honestly don't know," he replied nervously. Why does she have to be so pretty? Peter asked himself as he continued to stare even though he'd been caught. [Y/N] always caught him staring.

An awkward silence settled between them, eventually [Y/N] got sick of it. She decided that she was going to be upfront with him and tell him what she was thinking. It was 2016 and she was strong independent woman after all. Suggesting to her best friend that they should have sex couldn't be that hard. "So... P-peter, I've been thinking..."

He looked up into her beautiful [Y/E/C] eyes and listened intently. She could be talking about dog poo but her voice would still find a way to hold him captive.

"So... You know what Ned said... At l-lunch?" She began nervously, having no clue how to word what she wanted to ask; Hey Peter, let's fuck didn't sound right.

He nodded. [Y/N] noticed one of his curls bounce around dramatically as he spoke. She couldn't help but smile at it.

"W-well... Maybe he's right..." She finished, her face bright red — much like a tomato.

"W-what do you mean?" He knew what she was getting at but he needed clarification. There was a slight chance she was talking about how he thought their Manual Arts and English teachers were hooking up in the staff room. He hoped she wasn't talking about that — he was already scarred for life from that topic.

"M-maybe we should have sex," she mumbled almost inaudibly.

"We-w-what?" Peters dark eyes widened. He could not believe she'd actually suggested it.

"I get it if you don't want to... I mean now that I have said it out loud I sound crazy," She rambled nervously, she felt like an idiot. Of course Peter wouldn't want to sleep with her — they were just friends.

A quiet voice in the back of Peter's head urged him to kiss her but another, a louder voice told him not to. The latter choice prevailed.

"I-I don't think its weird at all," He told her, swallowing a little too loudly. He could feel his cheeks burning.

"It's doesn't mean we are dating or anything," [Y/N] nervously clarified, no matter what, she could not lose her friendship with Peter. It was too important to her — he was too important to her.

Peter's gut wrenched, why did this sentence hurt him? He knew she didn't see him as anything more than a friend. Yet, it still hurt that she didn't even stop to think that maybe he liked her. "No, of course not." He replied quickly, not wanting to raise suspicion.

"Just two friends, learning how to do things together. " [Y/N] finished, this wasn't any different to the time she taught Peter how to ride a bike without training wheels.

The word 'friends' echoed through Peter's head for the rest of the day, what if he didn't just want to be friends? What if he saw a future with him and [Y/N], together as a couple? He decided not to voice these feelings as [Y/N] was so adamant on keeping it platonic.

"Where and when?" [Y/N] asked, interrupting his train of thoughts.

"Uh... You can come over tonight, at like 10? May is going out with some friends so we'll have the place to ourselves," Peter said very fast, his nerves were taking over big time. He prayed that May hadn't cancelled her plans.

[Y/N] nodded and that was that.

Peter made a mental to-do list for himself:

1. Buy condoms.

2. Clean bedroom.

3. Hide all embarrassing Star Wars memorabilia that [Y/N] always makes fun of him for having. (+ any other nerdy things that might ruin the mood).

As soon as the bell rang at 2:45pm Peter knew he had approximately 7 hours until he would finally lose his virginity to his lifelong best friend and secret crush. No big deal...

He was terrified!


EDITED 09/07/19
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