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IT HAD BEEN EXACTLY THREE MONTHS since Peter had been bitten by that spider and he still couldn't believe it. How had his biggest problem gone from his friends with benefits situation with [Y/N] to trying not to get caught sneaking out to fight crime?

Peter sighed from his position on top of an Apple branch — which was recently bought by Tony Stark. He watched as a couple of construction workers were attaching a sign that said 'Proud partner of Stark Industries' underneath the Apple logo.

He was preparing to go home when he heard a scream that sounded awfully familiar. His eyes darted around the place until he found the source — it was his aunt. There were four men all huddled around her.

Peters whole system became overfilled with rage as he began swinging down. For once, Peter didn't have a snarky comment to give them — instead, he fought them in silence. Not once did he meet his aunts eyes — even when he walked her home.

"T-thank you Spider-Man." She said before going up the stairs to their apartment. Peter nodded in response.

Once she was out of his view, he began crawling up the building towards his bedroom window. He had just made it inside his bedroom at the same time he heard the apartment door open. Frantically, Peter ripped the costume off and threw it into his closet just as May opened his bedroom door. Peter was so glad that he'd worn clothes under his costume.

"Hey," she sniffled, shooting him a weak smile, "how was your day?"

Peter shrugged, trying to act clueless was difficult. "It was aright — are you okay?" He asked, taking a step towards her.

May forced out a laugh, "I'm good." She told him before stepping out of his room and closing the door behind her quietly.


"What is the Atmoic Number of Sodium?" Liz asked the members of the team participating.

Peters hand hit the bell at lightning speed, "11!" Ned gave him an enthusiastic high five.

Liz smiled at him, twirling one of her dark curls in one hand, "good job, Peter."

Flash, who was just about to answer, shot Peter a glare. Harry Osborn, who was sitting next to him rolled his eyes. "I had that."

"Obviously you didn't otherwise you would've answered it first." [Y/N] shrugged, she was sprawled out on the floor beside Cindy Moon going over their notes.

Flash scoffed. "Okay guys, turn to page eight." Liz said, stopping Flash and [Y/N] fight from escalating.

Not a sound could be heard besides the sound of papers shuffling, "What does Newton's First Law state?" Liz asked once everyone had found the page.

This time Flash was the first to answer, "An object at rest will remain this way unless it is acted upon by force." He said, his words somewhat incoherent due to how fast he spoke.

Liz frowned, "anything else?"

Peter chimed his bell, "he also said that a moving object will continue to move at the same speed and in the same direction unless an unbalanced force acts upon it."

Flash swore under his breath, "yeah, I was getting to that."

"Sure you were," [Y/N] mumbled, causing Cindy to giggle to herself quietly.

"Abraham, why don't you sub in for Flash?" Liz turned to the dark boy going over flash cards with Betty Brant.

Abraham smirked, "I'd be honoured." Flash stormed off stage and sat down beside Betty grumpily. The blonde girl rolled her eyes before packing her things up and moving over to Michelle.

"Can someone describe intertia?" Liz asked and Ned quickly whacked the bell.

Everyone looked at Ned as he answered, "The tendency of an object to resist changes in it motion."

"You two are on fire today." Liz said encouragingly as she shuffled her palm cards.


"Woah, did you see what happened in Lagos with The Avengers?" [Y/N] asked the group at lunch the next day.

"With Scarlet Witch?" Ned asked, peering over her shoulder to read the article on her phone, "yeah, it was all over the news this morning. Apparently Maximoff is dangerous and should be locked up — well, according to Buzzfeed anyways."

Michelle shook her head, "it was obviously an accident, people are overreacting. They're just mad because she's a woman and she's super powerful."

"Michelle, people died."

"So? People died when Captain America blew that building up but apparently he was a hero for that." Michelle argued, her grip on her pencil grew tighter as she grew more agitated. "It's blatant sexism."

[Y/N] sighed, Michelle kind of had a point. "Apparently they want The Avengers to sign something called The Sokovia Accords." Peter added, "The government thinks they need to be controlled — especially after what happened in Sokovia."

"The government." Michelle scoffed, "gotta ruin everything with their rules and regulations."

"I wonder if Spider-Man is an Avenger," [Y/N] pondered aloud.

"Pfft." Michelle shook her head, "I doubt it. He's only been around for a little bit and he hasn't done anything that significant yet."

Peter frowned. Thanks Michelle. "Maybe he doesn't wanna do bathing too big yet, maybe he's just looking at for the regular people. There's already heaps of people who handle the big things like alien invasions."

Ned shrugged, "that's the polices job though."

"You've seen how useless the police are." Peter argued, "they're basically Brooklyn Nine-Nine come to life."

"Aren't they really good detectives?" [Y/N] frowned, she hadn't seen Jake Paralta fail to solve that many cases.

"Yeah but they're morons."

"I'll remember that next time I want someone to watch it with."


WRITTEN 10/07/19
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p.s. i actually had to get my textbook out for this chapter. sorry that this was pretty boring but i just need to get things rolling, y'know? this chapter gave me an excuse to rewatch my fave parts of civil war lol.


i go offline for a few months and jake paul is 'engaged' to tana mongeau? wtf tana you can do so much better. also since when were they dating???

k bye

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