18 - Átjánda

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I've never stolen a thing in my life.

Except a couple of hearts because I'm so charming.

Please ignore that, it's not even true.

I stepped into the arena and gave my opponents a closer look. No doubt they're all well-trained and fought well but I can too. One against three, not great odds but I could only hope they were in my favor.

The first girl wore what seemed to be a golden chain with a pendant, details of which my weak eyes couldn't make out from the distance.

The boy in the middle had an expensive looking watch.

And the third girl, I couldn't make out what the object was. There were no adornments on her body, no jewelry, no piercings, no watches, no fancy looking clothing and her hair was neatly tied into a pony tail. I couldn't see anything of material value on her person and that seemed to me, an issue.

I guess we'll find out what it is.

"You are not to use any kinds of weapons, only your own physical capabilities. There are no other rules to this task, but you must stay within the confines of the arena," Sven said. Everyone was watching us quietly but I could see excitement in their eyes. "Are you ready?"

I saw my opponents take their stance as if ready to pounce on me the moment they could.

Game plan Rayne. Quick!


Too late.

The boy was the fastest of the three, reaching me first and knocking me down on the ground.

He began to punch me in the stomach repeatedly, but I tried to focus only on his watch. I tried to get a hold of his left hand but he was too fast with his blows. And the pain had already begun to get to me.

Just as one of the girls was about to make their move, I gathered my strength and rolled away, quickly jumping back to my feet again.

A sharp pain spread through my body as I realized the third girl had kicked me hard in the spine. My knees buckled from the pain but I didn't let myself fall again.

I need to keep them in my sights. Don't hold back.

I pushed myself away from them as fast as I could, towards the corner of the arena, knowing they would follow me.

I turned around just in time to face all three together, but this time I was ready.

I jumped towards the girl with the pendant. She had the most accessible object.

Perhaps she didn't expect that, because her face contorted into that of horror as I wrapped my fingers around her chain mid-jump, and landed with the first object in my hand.

A feeling of triumph surged through my body. One down.

They ran towards me again, this time with more speed and aggression.

It doesn't end when I get all three objects. It ends when I get all three objects and also get away.

I'll have to knock them out too.

I stood my ground this time as I saw them quickly cover the distance between me and them.

Defensive mode: off.
Attacking mode: on.

As the boy came towards me with his fist in the air, I landed a kick to his stomach. He toppled over and gave me just enough time to split kick both the girls that were just on his heels.

I never thought I'd actually use that kick.

The boy was recovering but weak, so I punched him hard in the face. I felt something wet on my knuckles and ignored it, checking to see if the girls were knocked out.

They were almost about to get to their feet. That gave me just enough time to get the fancy watch from the boy's wrist.

A sudden punch to my jaw had me falling on my side. The girls were up.

Damn wolf healing powers.

I clutched the watch hard as the girl who owned the pendant tried to pry my fingers weakly to get it but I hit her head with mine causing her to stumble and fall back.

Bad move. Bad move. That hurt.

I stuffed the watch into my second pocket and immediately looked for the third girl. I still didn't know what the object was. And now I can't see her.

She was just here.

I turned around to see some tattered clothes on the floor.

Wait, what?

An almost deafening growl came out of nowhere, and that's when I saw her. One of the largest wolves I've ever seen, a copper like sheen embraced every inch of her fur. She was almost shimmering in and out of view. One second I could see her, the other second she was gone.

How is she doing that?

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