30 - þrjátíu

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He looked at my face and that's when I realized he was being serious.

His face turned from neutral to mischievous in a fraction of a second.

"Leave it Rayne to get the wrong idea," he said, laughing.

He lowered his voice to a whisper, "I'm not comfortable leaving you on your own here, at least for a while."

We started walking towards the second building where I knew Sven's flat was.

"My living room sofa turns into a bed. It's quite comfortable. You can have that or the actual bed. Your pick," he said as we entered the building.

"The sofa will do, thanks," I replied.

"So, umm," I started as we walked into his apartment. "What about my classes? If I have to go stay with another band for an indefinite period of time-"

"It will have to be put on hold. I'll send in a medical note on your behalf. Besides, you're already done with the semester exams and  you can give your practicals next sem," he said.

"You're implying I'll have to skip whatever is left of this semester," I said, slowly getting frustrated.

He walked to his door, opened it, looked on both sides of the corridor as if to make sure no one is lingering around. He then closed the door and locked it.

I watched as he pulled open the sofa-bed to turn it into an actual bed that looked super comfy. He then sat on the edge facing me.

"I've reached a point where there isn't much more that I can tell you. The situation is in front of you and your safety is important to me. I trust people here in our band, but not everyone. If they find out I'm even suspicious about you being wanted, I don't know who will want to protect you, and who will immediately give you up to the Palace."

I sat on the sofa opposite him.

"They haven't figured out I'm a dyrith yet?" I asked.

"I don't think so. You have a dominant werewolf scent, so you can't be mistaken for something else. Anyone would have to be highly perceptive to know that you're different," he said.

I sighed. "How many days do you think I'd have to be there?" I asked him.

"Not too long I guess. Just act natural. You have to play a double game. You need to act as a visitor in front of everyone else, and as a spy in front of Bayo. He's a good kid. That's why I agreed to let him go with you."

"To be honest, I know just as much as everyone else here except for your hunch they might be looking for me. But if it's not me, and our trail leads to someone else, should we still give them up?" I asked. I knew this was an ethical question, one that is difficult to answer.

"I don't know, I just really hope it isn't you. Whatever the Palace wants from this person, can't be good. Or else they wouldn't be wanted," he replied.

"So it really is just information gathering? In and out like Nove said?"

"Yes. That's the plan. Whatever you find out, will help us figure out exactly what they know."

"And how much do we know? About the person they're looking for?"

"A dyrith. Icelandic descent, search was funnelled down to a few packs, one of them was Fathilagt. The trail was lost a few years ago, but the Liet bands are still looking. They always have been. It seems the search has started with a new fervor again. Someone has a lead. Something has led the search here," he said.

I could see why Sven would think of me as the person of interest. But this still doesn't answer some questions.

"Sven? How do you know so much? About me. About my pack," I asked.

He gave a humorless chuckle as he looked at me, and then away.

"You'd never believe me."

"Try me."

He looked at me with an intense stare, accented by hurt he failed to hide.

"I was from Fathilagt too."

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