39 - þrjátíu og Níu

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I hadn't felt so relaxed in months, or even years. Even though I was still anxious about the days to come, I was calm.

"To be honest there's nothing you can do about the anxiety, can you?" said Ima.

"I guess not. But I have you back now," I replied, lying in my sleeping bag next to May.

Imadis had always been my safety net. Regardless of how dangerous the travel seemed, or however rough a time got through my life, I always knew I had her to help me handle it all. I'm surprised losing her didn't drive me mad.

Knowing that she was back lessened the anxiety of going into unknown and possibly hostile territory, with a stranger. Because now I wasn't completely alone.

I slept with those thoughts, a dreamless, calm sleep.


"Rayne? You up yet?" I heard Bayo's voice from outside the tent.

"Yeah I'm up," I said groggily. I looked around for May but she was not inside the tent.

I quickly changed into a blue t-shirt and jeggings, and threw on an oversized sweater. It wasn't cold anymore, I could guess it was mid-afternoon now. But it still was a little nippy.

Better warm than cold.

I walked out to see the other two tents nowhere in sight, and the others were just huddled near the car and talking.

May looked at me and walked my way.

"Rayne I'm sorry about last night," she said, seeming genuinely sorry.

"I don't know what came over me. It's the first time I got to act without Nove's constant supervision and I thought I could do something to add to the mission, you know, given that now you have your wolf back," she said.

I understood her sentiment. She was just trying to play her part.

"How did she come back?" she asked me, genuinely curious.

I had thought about what to say to her.

"I hadn't been in a forest for such a long time, and coming back and forth between work and university, I don't think I paid much attention to her," I said.

I also realized most of this was unfortunately true.

"Coming here felt like I found home again, and she was strong enough to return," I said.

"Hmm," she said, thoughtful. "This is good. You're a great fighter on your own, but I'm more comfortable knowing you have your wolf back. Now all you really need to worry about is putting up a convincing act.

"You will be going from here on by foot. Fala's borders are still a couple miles away. Uriah and Sven have explained the directions to Bayo, but just so you know, you keep going North, the general direction, and you'll come across pack patrol soon enough," she said.

"All right," I said and noticed that she seemed a little distraught.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"They're going to be a tough crowd to convince. Regarding the proposition as well as the mate thing. You wouldn't want any slip-ups," she said.

"Why? Does this have anything to do with scent?" I asked her.

"What do mean scent?" she asked.

"Well, I thought that scents change once mated, or something. That the scents merge into one and both mates smell like each other," I said, a little confused. I didn't know a lot about mates and I thought I'd ask her if there's anything more I should know.

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