1: A little secret

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A little princess wandered around the palace before finding herself in front of two large, bulky doors with beautiful cravings decorating it. Taking a deep sigh, she entered the room in a tired state. Waddling across the room, her eyes traced over the over-sized walls and felt miniature a midst it. Her head racking on what to do, she took comfort in her bed, pondering on the last few months and how hectic it had been. The battle against the Shadow Lord felt like it happened years ago, when only a few months had past. Her life had changed dramatically and she was finally reaching her limit.
Shaking her head, she headed towards the cupboard for a change of clothes. It had taken a long time before she could convince the maids to let her dress all alone. They had disapproved all the outfits she wore and deciding that anything that showed her legs were unfit for a princess and took matters into their own hands. Fighting back for her freedom was hard, but worth it. Every minute where she had the freedom to be herself were rare and very precious.
Shuffling through the hoard of dresses, something catch her eye and she stopped immediately. Awestruck, she fiddled with the book, her hands sliding through every corner.
There was a knock on the door. She turned around in time to see Kest rush in. A finger on her mouth was all it took for her to understand what was happening and she walked over to her, holding a hand over her mouth to keep her from laughing.
A few moments passed, when she heard another knock on the door. She opened the door and looked at the two soldiers drenched with murky water. She bit her lip from laughing.
" And how may I help you, Edgar? Arlo?" she asked, politely. She had tried to remember the names of everyone that lived in the palace.  It took a lot of effort, but was one of the first steps of acknowledging the people.They looked at her apologetically. Arlo fidgeted with his helmet.
" Sorry for intruding, but..."
" Having you seen that pest around?" asked the Edgar, trembling with rage.
" By pest, you mean Kest, right?"
Their silence was enough for an answer. She shrugged her shoulders.
" Unfortunately I have no idea where she may be hiding," she said." Sorry, I couldn't be of good service to you." Arlo shook his head.
" No need, your highness. We should be  apologising. Sorry of any inconvenience, we should be getting back anyways," he replied, sheepishly. Edgar scanned the room for the 'pest' once more before they head off, down the hallway. She closed the door gently, the sound of wings flapping caught her attention and she turned around to face Kest.
" What's up, May?" she asked, grinning. May shook her head, smiling. It was a regular routine. Kest would do something to get in trouble and she would end up in her room. She was going to get discovered sooner or later, but that didn't stop her from doing it anyways. She headed over to the mirror and started brushing her hair, knowing she would leave in a matter of time. Moments passed and the silence grew deafening. She stopped what she was doing and turned to see Kest, leaning into her closet, staring at the dusty brown book.
She stood up immediately, startled and Kest looked at her, amused.
" And what's this you got here?" She remarked, pointing at the book. May's eyes widened.
" Oh... That! Well, that's um..." May was at the bridge of spilling everything out, her mind rattled on what to do. Her mind fried from the day's work and she gave up trying to think.
It wouldn't hurt to tell someone after all this time, she thought. Without saying anything, she grabbed Kest and pulled her onto the bed. She crossed her legs and leaned in close.
" Kest, what I'm about to tell you now must not be known to anyone else, otherwise it could cause... disturbances."
Kest smirked." Disturbances... Funny."
" I'm being serious here, Kest," said May in a low voice.
" Yes your highness," she replied. May have a quick look over before tapping the book.
" Take a look inside."
Kest opened the book to find images spread across its pages. As she skimmed through, she marvelled at the colours used in each shot.
" That must of been one hell of an artist. It almost looks real," she murmured. She noticed one showed a picture of May with a younger girl, who looked so much like the older woman in between them. They all had one thing in common, blue eyes and blonde hair. Though May's was more of a light shade. A smile crept onto May's face.
'' Who are they?'' asked Kest. May glanced over with a sigh.
'' They'r my mother and sister."
'' Wait, that doesn't make sense. I didn't know you had a sister and your mother surely does not look like that," she remarked.
'' They took care of me as I grew up, before I started my adventures," added May.
'' What happened to them?'' asked Kest, curiously.
'' We departed a long time ago. Right now, they're in another world...'' Kest bit her lip for speaking out of turn and closed the book, slowly. May grinned, leaning back.
" I would of excepted people to have a different reaction when they see this. You truly are amazing, Kest."
Confused, Kest scratched her head." I'm not sure about that..."
May stopped rocking the bed when an idea popped in her head.
'' You know what. Why don't we go met them? I haven't seen them in a while, I could introduce you as a friend,"she suggested.
'' But using the topaz?...'' asked Kest, hesitantly. May laughed ridiculously, holding her stomach.
" Theres not need to use it at all. Where are you getting at?"
" I just thought they were..."
" Dead? Nope."
" Now I'm really confused," grumbled Kest, crossing her arms. May have her a reassuring smile.
" It's a bit hard to explain, but if you like. I could take you to them."
" As long as I'm not gonna die cause of some portal-" May took hold of her hands and looked up at her.
" I promise you."
Kest nodded."So how do get there?" She looked outside." It's gonna be dark soon."
" It's not hard, really. Just sleep."
'' Sleep?''
May laid back on the bed. When she saw that Kest wasn't following, she pushed her down, before returning back into position.
'' I've never done this before with someone else, but I think it's best for us to hold hands, so the two of us don't end up being in different places. Kest nodded nervously and held May's hand.'' Now, just take a deep breath and try to close your eyes, then you should be able to teleport with me." Kest nodded and took a big, slow breath. Then the two of them slowly closed their eyes and let the darkness overtake them, falling into a deep slumber.

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